

Well-Known Member
Since I was half stumped by the new profession (and I frequently see guildies asking questions about it) I thought I'd write up what I've learnt. Feel free to contribute if you know more.. :)


First of all you need to train it (durr) which you can ask a guard about. Don't be lazy. It's a secondary profession so you can all get it.

Then you'll have two new shinies in your professions tab; one is to dig, the other is to open your archaeology book.

As soon as you've trained it, have a look at the Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms maps (NOT the world map, NOT your zone map). Some zones should have shovels on. These are where you can find dig sites. Click the zone to see (in red) the areas where the dig site is in that zone.

Go to the red area. Use shovel. You'll see a telescope and a light, telling you direction and distance (red = far, yellow = near, green = almost there). Keep digging and moving til you find a shiny. Loot it. Repeat three times per dig site for xp and lols. As you loot artifacts, they'll appear in your archaeology book categorised under whatever type of artifact it is.

Once you have enough artifacts of a particular type, "Solve" the puzzle in your book. That'll give you the item in the top left of that particular page (aka "Puzzle"). For the best part these are common/trash/just for lore. But sometimes you'll uncover a rare puzzle, which can be a purple, minipet, mount etc. Once you find one of these you wanna get digging and solve it asap! :)

Sometimes you'll come across a random green item which says it's used to complete puzzles. Hang onto those as they can be used in rare puzzles to complete them faster.

So to sum up:

1, You have puzzles in your archaeology book to solve.
2, They're solved by uncovering artifacts at dig sites around the world.
3, Everytime you solve a puzzle the next one is revealed, randomly. It might be uber or it might be trash. in either case you need to solve it to get the next one and so on.
4, You get phat XP for a successful dig, about the same as one yellow quest, and you can dig three times per site, so that's a lot.
5, Hang onto special green relics to use in rare puzzles.

Also of note:

1, The dig sites are unique to each player.
2, A new site is uncovered every time one is completed.
3, A mate told me this: don't click solve unless you really have to as the skillups from "digging" are only for lower levels (up to 100) whereas skillups from solves are constant.


Well-Known Member
More tips from a friend:

After you dig something up try not to move before searching for the next artifact as sometimes the 2nd or 3rd artifact is found in the same spot (i once had all 3 digs be in the same spot)

I tend not to bother with triangulation (finding a secondary reference point to have survey lines converge on the artifact) as the scope points to the nearest artifact and if you dont go straight in the direction of the first scope direction then you could end up picking up a different artifact on your next survey sending you in totally the wrong direction if your working by triangulation. Triangulation only really works if theres no other artifacts nearby (only guaranteed on the 3rd dig).

If i get a green on the surveyy its best to go about 10 yards at the time in the direction the survey points to (green = under 40 yards from target).
If its Yellow i mount up and fly 3-4 wingbeats on a griffon in the direction usually lands me in green light range.
If its Red i mount up and fly 6-7 Griffon Wingbeats.

Artifacts (at least at low levels) are always accessable from ground mounts so dont bother checking up on high ledges or rooftops.

Ive never had an artifact in bushes or obscured by cover they have always been in the open for me (sometimes very close to walls or steep cliffs though). So try to avoid surveying in bushes as not only will you likely not find anything but its a nightmare trying to see where the scope was poining.

Ive never had an artifact in any water greater than waist deep (requires swimming) so dont waste time doing underwater surveys.

I tend to just survey when im waiting on dungeons as it can be very time consuming.

Obviously teleporting makes things go much faster. If your not a mage then you can still port to Blasted lands from any major City and Hyjal, Uldum and Twighlight highlands from Org/SW.

Inscribers can make hearthstone scrolls for themselves to allow for repeated use of Org/SW portals.

Fishing contest winners can port to booty bay.

Engineers have Tanaris or Winterspring ports.Unfortunately i checked and the sholozar basin portal to Ungoro no longer seems to work, so no using Northrend wormhole generators for that. There used to be a quest in Winterspring (leading on from a UBRS quest) just above the cave SW of everlook that ported you to Eastern Plaguelands which was nice in combo with the Everlook teleporter, dunno if that Q is still in game tho.


New Member
A few things to learn about red/yellow/green light direction mechanics:

Red light - its a long way in an approximate 180 degree area from where the light is pointing. It wont always be in that exact direction (I have had lights point straight out of the dig zone at 90 degrees and the dig was actually off to one side)

Yellow light - Somewhat far in a 45 degree direction from where the light is. Best to move forwards in light direction and use Survey again once the cooldown finishes.

Green light - Close by and very likely in the direction of the light, somewhere between 5 and 10 degree offset can occur. Best bet really is to move forward enough for the light to be just off your screen (hidden by action bars) and Survey again there.