Argh! My eyes!


Well-Known Member
Oh god >.<

It's like they went out of their way to make it as terrible as humanely possible...


New Member
There are very few websites that offend me on an intellectual level. I dont mean the content, there is enough to offend me n the interwebs for that as is, I mean the way websites are actually coded and set out.

Just visiting this website for more than 10 seconds makes me think back to the days of coding by hand, pre-Dreamweaver programs, and just slapping everything that was even vaguely 'cool' (or at least what I thought was cool at the time) in the minor prospect of gaining even a single veiw or appreciation for my unprofessionalised efforts. In other words, it reminds me of a time when I was making websites that almost always looked like a chimp was sitting on a giant keyboard, with buttons near it that automatically insert tags, and the chimp smacking at it randomly and wildly.


New Member
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