Armor of God!


In Cryo Sleep
You know, if they erased the token 'virtuous worded inscriptions' like TRUTH and replaced it with DEATH and GUNS or WARFARE - youve got a kick-ass pillow fight uniform on your hands :)


In Cryo Sleep
Religous radicalism is going from one extreme to the other.

Next there will be the soft, cuddely 'Catapult of God' for crusading fun just before bedtime :D


In Cryo Sleep
The little boy looks like he's got a really bad twitch... like a screw loose or something... like he's going to bash you with his shield and stab you with his toothpick.


In Cryo Sleep
I noticed the same thing, kinda scary.

Anyway, i don't see the harm in mere pyjama's. Apart from indoctrinating kids but that will happen without the armor of god anyway.