ATI Drivers (for thatbloke)


Staff member
This is in response to a question a while ago on what customised driver set I was/am using for my 9800 Pro card. Its taken me a while to get round to answering but here's the answer :)

I "was" using the NGO driver set but updates on this have been very slow of late. I love the fact that it includes the ATI tray tools which is far far superior in my option to the catalyst control centre (bloatware!).

Given the lack of updates I'm going back to an old friend for a while in the form of the omega catalyst drivers. If there was an NGO set based on the latest catalyst then I wouldnt be switching however. However the Omega series is known for its stability and quality so I'll see how it goes.

Other drivers worth a mention are the DHzer0point. I've not tried but I've heard good things.


New Member
I might grab you on TS at a time of your convenience Haven..
I can not get my head around the 'ATI Catalyst center', and I have no other way of updating my Radeon X800 GTO.
Some guidance would be appreciated.


Staff member
Sure grab me when I'm idling in the chat channel and I'll do what I can to answer your questions.