Attention, WoW players. Read This!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Greetings, mortals.
Recently, many of you may have gotten some odd whispers in-game.
Whispers stating that you will receive free stuff curtousy of Blizzard via login on a site that isn't

These whispers are -not- from Blizzard.
It is a scam in attempts to infect/steal account info.

I would advice that you do not enter these web sites.

An example to such whispers is this one:
[Noreply] whispers:Hi,Blizzard is about to launch a new mounts,Free trial,For more information, please log

Blizzard is not giving away free mounts and there is no such "trial".
If you receive any such whispers. Report it as spam via your anti-spam mod or via right clicking the name and selecting "Report Spam".

Some of you may already know all of this. But I am posting this warning nonetheless as a precaution to ensure that everyone knows and are aware of the issue.