Attunement for Black Temple


Junior Administrator
Dude that's Blizzard's annual april fool.

Look at the description for the quest The Illidari Invasion at the bottom of that page...

"A major attack is launched on all major cities, both Horde and Alliance. Repel the invaders for 6 hours or lose the chance to face down Illidan in the Black Temple for one month. Additionally, Repair costs in cities you fail to hold go up by 20% due to tax increases."

As. If.

Bahahahaha just noticed:
"Arrogant Azuregos," "The Gregarious Greens," "Big-Mouthed Blackwing" and "Obstinate Onyxia" :D:D:D


Well-Known Member
I love one of the common quest requirements: "You must have completed all quests from David Wayne"