

Well-Known Member
I purposely avoided reading spolers on wotlk.. and have to say I'm so far very impressed with the Death knight as a class and with the whole storyline and quests available.

Got to level 56 last night, as well as getting my rogue to 26% (levelling is much slower now!).. but had to be up at 6 so figured I'd best get at least 3 hours sleep.. :p

Anyway now I can't decide which to level first - hunter, rogue or DK! Bah!

Oh and to all those (QMAN, SOLEMN) wo didn't get their copies last night..



Junior Administrator
i purposely avoided reading spolers on wotlk.. And have to say i'm so far very impressed with the death knight as a class and with the whole storyline and quests available.

Got to level 56 last night, as well as getting my rogue to 26% (levelling is much slower now!).. But had to be up at 6 so figured i'd best get at least 3 hours sleep.. :p

anyway now i can't decide which to level first - hunter, rogue or dk! Bah!

Oh and to all those (qman, solemn) wo didn't get their copies last night..




In Cryo Sleep
OMG my WotLK has just installed and now the patches are! Still I need to write my goddamn report for tomorrow! GIEF moar timez!


In Cryo Sleep
Know the feeling. Have the Xpack in front of me and can't install it until around 7 pm. Joy.


In Cryo Sleep
Yea well at least ur not sittin befundled why ur comp wont run DVD disk on its DVD drive


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Just a note about Awesomeness.... you got to go do the questline starting from the Ancient Lift in Howling Fjords..... It's fantastic :D and the canoe ride had me in stiches :D