Bah wotlk release date


In Cryo Sleep
Today i got a mail from my wotlk suplier ( i pre ordered 2 games )

They say the release date was confirmed at 3/11/2008...

So long to go ..

it will give me a change to give warhammer a shot tho

Imo its kinda stupid they dont compete with warhammer imo that would have been there best shot .

But same as tbc they want the alliance kiddos to wine there daddys head of to get it for cristmas i think ..


Junior Administrator
Blizzard operate a policy of "When it's done, it's done," which basically means that ANY release date you see ANYWHERE is not a confirmed release date unless you see it on teh Blizzard website first...

So sorry to burst your bubble but don't count on it arriving on that date... :'(

Which sucks but I'd rather have something with most of the bugs and issues ironed out first than not :D


Well-Known Member
Quite happy to wait and see it when it's ready tbh. Still plenty to do in TBC until then :)


In Cryo Sleep
Have to say i agree, when it's done it's done and i'm happy to wait for the most bugfree version to be released. I know there will always be one or two patches but TBC will keep most occupied until then :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

release date [...] 3/11/2008...

So long to go ..

Agh! Too soon!

That only gives us slightly under two and a hlaf months to get through the TBC stuffs... :(

Anyway, just adding the opposing point of view. :)



In Cryo Sleep
I agree with Zooggy! Who wants to quest 10 more levels! and then, who wants to quest 25 levels with the deathknight you'll end up creating!

Its gonna be a laggy nightmare for the first few weeks!


Well-Known Member
Oh well, this should give me enough time to grind to exalted with the netherwings (if I can force 3 willing victims to help on the group quest).

Must.. have... dragon mount!!!

Anyone heard anything about CE edition? Me wants..


Well-Known Member
From what I can see in the beta, they have a good long way to go yet with stabilising and finalising what's already in, and they haven't even got the 77-80 content ready yet; Icecrown Glacier and the Storm Peaks aren't finished or implemented yet, not a single raid is ready, most of the level 80 instances aren't available, and Heroic mode for everything is still absent. Not to mention the fact that every patch, talents/abilities are being tweaked, and new stuff added. I'd say Christmas release, and ignore anything said on websites; they HAVE to have release dates listed so they can allow pre-orders, in most cases, so they tend to make educated guesses.