

In Cryo Sleep

I made this thread to say that I'm leaving The Haven. As you might have noticed, I've been eager to speed our progression, while we don't seem to get much going but Karazhan anymore, and we're even regressing to level 60 raids, so it kinda feels like some people (nobody particular, just not everybody) is pulling the other way. So sometime tomorrow probably, I'll be leaving for Zenith.
If I can recall, I've heard that some people doesnt like Zenith, but I don't know for what reason, and it really doesnt matter, cos I've decided to give it a shot anyway.
I'm going to (if you let me) keep my alts in The Haven, cos I like yall too much to split entirely =D
I hope you can be supportive about this and not be mad at me for leaving for whatever reason, and - NO SAD FACES! You'll still see me hopping around :D

Over and out.


In Cryo Sleep
As a fellow rogue i would agree about the raiding. Its as if no-one wants to explore areas of the game we have never been. This is going to be a great loss to the guild. I hope you find what your looking for in Zenith.

Take it easy and i you need anything yell.



Well-Known Member
We stopped raiding because there's simply a lack of people, there's no two ways about it. It's not that we've given up and "regressed" to pre-TBC content; people just aren't bothering to sign up and turn up to make Progression raids work at the moment, so we're trying to make stuff work.

You can keep your alts in The Haven, as far as I'm concerned. Not gonna say anything on Zénith itself.

see ya, mate


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

S'cool, man, I totally understand.

I, for one, hope to see you back when WotLK hits and you get to levelling again. :)

In the meantime, keep in touch!



In Cryo Sleep
It's not that we've given up and "regressed" to pre-TBC content; people just aren't bothering to sign up and turn up to make Progression raids work at the moment, so we're trying to make stuff work.

At the risk of stating the obvious: I do think we have given up on TBC raiding but so has everyone in their right mind (perhaps except the most progressed guilds which you won't find on this server anyway). Progression just doesn't make much sense anymore before the expansion hits. This is a Blizz-imposed break and not "regression" on the guild's part. Now is the perfect time to play other classes and enjoy pre-TBC content.

Anyhow, sad to hear that you won't be around for when we rip it at 80. Good luck with Zenith!


In Cryo Sleep
Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out and make sure to not mind the step.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Progression just doesn't make much sense anymore before the expansion hits.

At the risk of derailing the thread, could you expand on that?

Namely, we've known that WotLK was coming for like a year or so, so, what's changed in the last month?



Junior Administrator
Ahey, :)

At the risk of derailing the thread, could you expand on that?

Namely, we've known that WotLK was coming for like a year or so, so, what's changed in the last month?


While some people are still up for doing the progression, the tone that I am getting is that for alot of people they feel that there is no point to continuing with the new expansion so close.

If hte majority of people do not want to do the progression then we cannot force them to - yes we've known it was coming for a while but... meh. It's the attitudes of the many.

That and the recent release of games like SPORE and WAR subtracting from the WoW playerbase...


Well-Known Member
Exact same happened in my old guild (top of server in terms of raiding btw) when TBC was about a month away. The greens from the first few quests will probably replace a lot of your gear.


In Cryo Sleep
See ya matey, hope you have better luck getting that Champion of the Naaru title there ;)

^Aye. At least we'll get a headstart on the people's who'll level from 1-80...


Well-Known Member
Higher end of Tier 4 gear will last most of the way to 80. Tier 5 and above will last you all the way, for the most part.


Junior Administrator
Although I'm not playing WoW anymore, my T2 gear lasted me from 60 upto where my account ran out at level 67. There are the odd bits that I've replaced but for the most part, it's all still there... So, your stuff will last for the most part :)


In Cryo Sleep
Namely, we've known that WotLK was coming for like a year or so, so, what's changed in the last month?

My trigger was the revelation of the release date on Sept. 15th. There's a difference knowing the expansion will hit later this year and knowing it will hit in 6 weeks, although I admit it's probably entirely psychological.

To draw this thread even more off-topic: It just occured to me that this might be the very same mechanism that makes people procrastinate: You know it has to be done sometime soonish but it's not before you get a deadline that's very close that you actually get around to getting it done.


In Cryo Sleep
^I hope so. Because that would mean more people online... which means I can get my bloody title! :P


In Cryo Sleep
Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out and make sure to not mind the step.

Still as charming as ever, eh then t-bone?

I personally say good luck, in times like this its understandable to use any opportunity given to experience as much of the TBC content as you can before it ends up going to waste just like most the lv 60 content, hope you manage to see more than i did which isnt hard :p.

I still haven't even got to see hyjal yet and probably wont do, ive lost all want to play WoW and dont intend to come back for WoTLK.

joining zenith has always been a touchy subject with a select few of the haveners, and without intending to spark anything off i do say that you should ignor them. if there is something wrong with the guild or the people in it, the worst that will happen is youll find out for yourself and leave em.