Baldilocks joining Eternity.


In Cryo Sleep
Hey guys.

No big goodbye speech or anything cos im still gonna be on ts and doing group and that still, so it would be a massive anti-clima, lol.

Baldilocks is joining Eternity at some point today. They want me in Hyjal tonight if i wanna go ect so i may have changed on Baldi by half 5 (uk). But i might skip that and wait till tonight when everyones online.

Anyways, talk to you online today at some point guys. Do me a favour and add me to friends will you, cos i dont have room for all you wierdo's :( lol.

Much love, Baldi.


In Cryo Sleep

Lol, thanks for your loving support.

I was gonna come back at some point but it looks like people are blowing it out of proportion badly and posting all sorts of shit on the forums so it looks like im not welcome back.

Ill do my time with the higher raids then give up WoW. Im not in it for this political and guilting stuff.


In Cryo Sleep
You gotta play the game the way you want Mr.Locks. So go for it and have fun :)

You do still love me tho right?


Very best of luck for the future, and I hope you continue to have fun playing the game.



In Cryo Sleep
Thanks Haven, Shadow and Bele. I feel a little better now. I appreciate your understanding.

(p.s I def still <3 you Bele! Gimme a shout anytime you need me for anything mate.)


In Cryo Sleep
OK ok Im sorry I over reacted. Think this sickness has gone to my head. I feel maybe a bit to much for the guild so when people leave I get upset. Espescially when its a friend.

I do wish u well and hope that the new guild gives you everything you want.



Bah, If one want to enjoy the game, one must do what he must.
Hey, look at me. I've jumped with Ínò to different realms to get the most out of my experince. Sometimes it was good, and sometimes it went straight to hell. But I would have never known if I didn't try. But somehow I always got back to SSL and the Haven.

So take it from me Mr, Bald man. Do what you must to have your share of the fun!

You're still my buddy!

*waves at the Bald man running away, hoping to see him come back*

Take care for now dude, just yell when you wanna chatt or do summit :)


I apologise for any offence caused.

Bah, ofcourse stuff like this raises a "hot topic" it's fully understandable. Guess no one really saw this one coming and shot everyone with a bullet of shock.

But hey, need to clean the air sometimes :D

(anyone seen my vacuum-cleaner?)


Junior Administrator
I know! let's string him up and chop all his hair off!!!!

o wait... :D

GLHF etc. :)

Do Not forget us!!!! :D


Hmm "acually concidering the stringing thingy wich sounds like alot of fun"

Naaaaaaah, not this time. Let's just wish him luck for now *snickers to him self and grins little wickedly*


In Cryo Sleep
Just to let anyone know that shares the opinion that i just used the Haven to gear up then move on to other content and use my friends, that was not the case and its suggestion is repulsive.


Never said that either, mate.
If so I also used the Haven for gearing up only to leave later (wich also was not the case)
So just try and relax, have all the fun you want, and come back later again.

Like I said. One must do what one must do, to enjoy the game!

Cherrish the game in any way possible!:)


In Cryo Sleep
Lo and behold! The bald one leaveth! I shall gank you mercilessly for such treason [insert yet another endless stream of nasty things here].

On a more serious note, I hope your raiding ventures work well, and remember the most important thing regarding high-end raid contents: if the drop is plate, SW:D the Warrior. Now. :p

On yet another note, I heard you were thinking of speccing rump resto - want to join a 3v3 team with bloke? :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
I wish you the best of luck with the new guild, Baldi
Sorry to see you go. But a game is there to have fun with, so
But I will say this. If I hear you switching over to the Alliance at some point in the future. Then you will have to be ganked :p