Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 Co op.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I have been getting a little tired of playing the same old games lately. Don't know about the rest of you.

So I've been looking through some of my older games to see what I fancy playing.

(Even started Half Life 2 again last night.)

But what I fancied playing was something co-op. So at the moment the whole Baldurs gate series (if people don't have it already) is 9.99 at

Was wondering if 6 likeminder adventurers fancied going through it co op wise.

There is also a mod that upgrades BG1 to the BG2 engine. (make it a little bit less clunky.)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
See that's my problem now after posting this I read a review for NWN 2 and it sounds brilliant :D. Maybe we should go for that instead.


In Cryo Sleep
Ill go for some NWN2 if you guys go for some NWN2. The only problem I find with NWN, and Oblivion, and other games of that Player Customisability Coming Out Your Ears!™ ilk is that you really find it hard to relate with your own character (which is ironic, given that most of the time you try and distil your own personal qualities into that character). Personally, I prefer games where you play the main character and he has a personality of his own. And you can make friends with him. I dont have any of my own friends. :)

That said, I would dearly love to play an RPG, i'm getting really fed up of all this FPS/RTS shooting action. I miss the simplicity, storytelling and sheer involvement of the Final Fantasy games :( And FFXII not coming out til February :(