Banned from school networks.


Active Member
Have any of you guys been banned from your school networks, if so what for?

I(over 14 months ago now) got banned from my schools'(NT/2000) for doing things I wasnt "supposed" to be able to do, they also crypically told me if i went around telling people how i did it they'd kick me out. Their security was bad; as when i pressed the "control panel" shortcut it would immediatly dissappear but not before i took a screeny, then next time around my mouse was lined up and i got access to the network, I was able to change the local(non network) admin passwords install games then use shortcuts on the non local logins to access them and host(soon others saw how to make said shortcuts and use them from anywhere) network games, while the games was one thing i had other access.

When they finally decided to stop me, they thought i lied when i told them how i did it: thought i was throwing them a bone, so in a way you could say they descriminated against me because i have a condition(like austism) which although not always, can give the sufferer and aptitude with computers.

Has anyone else had simular experience of people stopping you doing something because "they" had insuffient measures in place to monitor 'the something'?

Or simular descrimination.

Uhm, sorry to bother you with this, sometimes when i think about it i get worked up ^^


In Cryo Sleep
You know, I know wat its like to be a kid ( it wasn't that long ago!) but i really dont see the need for you guys to mess about on the school computers.

I know your bored and can't be botherd to work but dont mess up the computers because there is a chance they will be taken away!

In the school I work at, I get sick of kids messing them up and I understand they are bored and want to do their own thing but, the things they do trash equipment that some one who wants to work can't use.

We now remove mice and keyboards and lock the cables up so the kids can only use them when they are being supervised and can't take them from any other compter.

It means they only vadalise the desks or chairs which is better than the Pc's !

We have a bloking system too and a secur site where we watch what the kids do so if i get alot of grief from them one day I can sit on there and ban a load of kids!!! Its great fun! especialy when they come grovling to the office asking for the ban to be lifted and I ask them why they think it was banned!

If they look at porn we send a print screen to their parents!! I SO MEAN!! is a fab job!


Ye you knew you weren't allowed to do it. You did it anyway, so that's just though shit. I'm not gonna rob a bank because I think the security is poor.


In Cryo Sleep
Whoa im not some kindof crazed porn addict! I was just doing it for a laugh, I dont vandalise school computers because thats just stupid|!


In Cryo Sleep
best thing to do is to go on porn and then switch the moniter cables with someone sat near you so its on there screen


Well-Known Member
Heh, in ICT, when I finished my work, I proceeded to surf the net, and explore. I wasn't doing any harm, and I was on safe websites, like yahoo etc.

Anyway, what they can do is lock you out of your computer, and while I was rooting around the hard drive, he locked my computer and began controlling it. So, what I did was pulled out the internet cable and continued surfing :)

Needless to say, I got detention :/


Junior Administrator
i worked as a computer tech for my school, although ti is great fun to lock ppl pcs when they're attempting to piss about on them it also creates alot of work for ppl who are there to improve the facilities that u are using. i spent weeks during one summer building hundreds of pcs and ghosting xp onto about 700, then when rest of the pupils returned many insisted on trying to break the new system.
foretunately it was set up well enough so that they were unable to do much damage, it was amazingly frustrating, the purile behavior of some.
what would u prefer the techs to be working to improve the functioning system or them having to spend hours with the system down because somebody thought it would be funny.


In Cryo Sleep
It sounds like all of your schools were like Folsam Prison! We had security measures in place, sure. But we did our best (and we succeeded) to work our way round them. First was my mate with the snoop-dog translate machine, then we found we could access the hard drives through the history page in windows explorer, then came the games and the porn :) It also helps to have a great teacher. Ours actually had us do a unit on porn! She actually told us 'Look at porn sites and understand why these things are secured for the owners protection' and we all just went on porn sites for a day! We could have had her exposed on national news for that, but as it happens we found it quite amusing. She also let me install GP500 on every PC in the room and we had an 18 player multiplayer race at the end of every lesson. Then KC brought in UT and Doom and we held inter-class competitions (KC was always the winner of course). It saddens me to think you guys are locked down so hard.


In Cryo Sleep
Heh tetsuo that rocks.

We had a dork managing the computers, the network, and doing the teaching, no fun. The machines were locked down pretty tight but i managed to work my way around it (windows 98 was so crap), all i did was some subtle changes to the wallpaper, it was an act of rebellion more than anything else and i had no intention to cause disruption. Eventually got caught and did my time, but i had everyone's sympathy. :)


In Cryo Sleep
Im not entirely sure what you mean by 'subtle changes' but I have a few ideas :) Anarchy fuel, whatever it was.

My mates and I used to try and cause a bit of disruption; we had Badger badger Badger on every PC screen in the classroom once, and we used to swap the 'm' and 'n' keys round on everyones keyboards, much fun :) Personally, I think the best was when we started printing out little messages to shared printers on the network like 'Wake up, Neo. The Matrix has you.' and 'Follow the white rabbit.' Good days, good days ...

Oh, also remember having lots of shared desktop net meetings, trying to get each other to look at porno sites before they could regain control of the desktop :) Another good one was taking a screenshot of the desktop, hiding the Start menu and then setting the screenshot as the desktop background. Would fool any female.

And pressing the buttons at the log in screen to make the computer beep,
And unplugging the person sitting next to you's network cable,
And switching monitor inputs round,
And playing clockwork orange quotes out loud in class...


Junior Administrator
hehehe sounds like fun. never had a chance to be that rebellious at my school. They didn't have ANY computers until about halfway through my 2nd year... and by the time I got to college I had settled down a bit...

But someone still managed to bring the whole college network down once with their own home-made virus. was pretty annoying as I needed to use a computer!

They also had this problem where periodically their main servers would reset themselves, causing the backups to jump in and take over until the main servers got their act together and came back on. Frustrated them for ages... until they found out that the military base about 100m or so away on (on the other side of some water) were periodically testing an EMP burst! The servers in question were in range of the EMP so kept resetting themselves! So now my old college's servers are EMP shielded. :D


In Cryo Sleep
just thort of another trick for home, office and school use, firstly find a website that converts text to speech, (like microsoft sam does) next type in something completely silly and wait untill the whole room is quiet, finaly press play :D

the most silly one i have done would be year 8 with "i licked the cats balls and now i have hair in my mouth" at the time it was soooooo funny but now im older it doesnt have the same effect

i wrote an essay about somebody in the class and how much i didnt like them into it and played that when the teacher left the room, he was almost in tears and so was i (with laugher)

but like all good things they blocked it after the trend caught on :(


Active Member
Blammo! said:
Ye you knew you weren't allowed to do it. You did it anyway, so that's just though shit.

Well thats what they said, but at the time they also said i wasnt able to do what i was doing, so they did challenge me, + my IT teacher said that i should do it and show them their bugs/problems afterwards, trouble was he later denied saying it :(

But the only reason they didnt let me back on was that they thought i lied to them :|

I'm not gonna rob a bank because I think the security is poor.

Would you sit back or inform the bank it was crap? I tried to tell them, and they just told me "what do you know" etc, and even when there was a problem, they just said i was a hacker, rather than "our security sawks" - they didnt change anything, and warned me not to spread how i did it.


Staff member
And it's totally within their rights to do that. Using the computers was a privilage, and you chose to mess around and have it revoked...


Well-Known Member
thatbloke said:
The servers in question were in range of the EMP so kept resetting themselves!

Sorry to rain on your parade/pi*s on your bonfire, but that can't be true, andthing like a computer exposed to EMP wouldn't mearly reset, it would be totaly unusable.


Junior Administrator
This is what the computer techs told a room full of 100 people... It is kinda believeable when you think that there actually IS a military base very near.