Banned two players from TeamSpeak 21:00 10/1/06



20:43 - 21:02, 10th Jan 2006

Two players came onto T.S under the names of FLOUT and Narcissist, both entered the BF2 channel during a practice and began mouthing off and generally acting in a stupid way, kicked FLOUT and moved Narcissist to a seperate channel to ask him what he was doing.

FLOUT rejoined under the name Helmut (same i.p address) I moved him to the same channel as Narcissist, both of them began mouthing off, so I kicked both of them with the warning that a repeat offence would result in a ban.

Two new players entered TeamSpeak at 20:58 under the names of The Reaper and Jerry (matching I.P's to that of Flout and Narcissist)

Both players entered the Guild Wars channel and again began mouthing off at eachother and acting in an irritating manner to the players within (T-Bone and Bart) As they had been kicked twice already, I decided enough was enough and put a T.S ban on both players.

Flout / Helmut / Jerry :

Narcissist / The Reaper :

I tried asking what they were doing, but after several kicks within short succession there was little other option.

I suggest only keeping the i.p ban for a couple of days, so that if their account was being misused by someone else then access can be put back on swiftly



In Cryo Sleep
I agree with and back this ban 100%. If I still had my SA privs on TS I would have done it before Fi$hy did but for some reason I don't so meh.


Ronin Storm

Staff member
T-Bone said:
I have still had my SA privs on TS I would have done it before Fi$hy did but for some reason i don't so meh.

IIRC, the TS server has been completely rebuilt in the last three months after a malicious destruction of our previous configuration. No offence intended, just an oversight 'twas most likely.


In Cryo Sleep
TS sees lamers joining every now and then, and sometimes legitimate people just looking for a place to chat. It's usually easy enough to seperate these two and the lamers usually get a straight kick and ban on rejoin, i don't bother talking to them, these people know exactly what they're doing.