Battlefield 2 Tuesday Night Practice

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Hi all,

Thanks very much LynxGB for doing the poll, so it looks like Tuesday night it is for practices. I have just been speaking to Phatbambi and we now have a ED clan war on Thursday night, so this Tuesday 10th there will be a formal practice running from 7:45pm to 9:45pm. Not 8pm - 10pm as indicated on the calendar. The maps being practiced are:

Dragon Valley
Sharqi Peninsula

These are the maps that will be getting played on the clan match on Thursday.

If you would like to play on this practice please sign up below,

along with any aspirations you may have. Screen shots will be taken at the end of each map and individual final scores will be posted on this thread.

ANYONE can play in a practice, this is an ideal opportunity for non ED regulars to show off thier skills and get noticed by the Admins, so go for it.

Any discussion about this practice should be made on this thread.


In Cryo Sleep
i dont think i have skill and i dont think ill get noticed but if its a chance to play BF2 with a decent squad then yea ill play


Well-Known Member
This is an oppertunity to practice, and fine tune your skills to see what you are best with.


In Cryo Sleep
Although dont expect to get put into the ED team unless you can do something amazing like fly.

I cant make it this Tuesday btw


In Cryo Sleep
Jesus christ is it everyones time of the month these past days. Go to the practice and show off ur teamwork thats all i think is needed to be a good player. because if no one had teamwork and just ran about themselves, no matter how Fcuking amazing they are they would be absoulty pish as a team and would be beat ever match. So i say come along to it, practice ur shooting, teamwork, etc. The main thing is though is HAVE FUN. People are taking this ED ladder thing to seriously i think we should all remember ITS ONLY A GAME!


Active Member
I agree with your post sgtsafety (be it a strong one). The practise is there to give you the chance to show everyone what you are good at and to make an impression on your team. It is also there for everyone to enjoy.


New Member
I have an idea brewing in my head for our practice on Dragon valley tonight.
It is a simple defensive tactic involving 2 or 3 A/Ts Completely making one side of the map a no go area for the enemy, leaving everybody else to push in force on the other side. It sounds feasible If combined with occasional support from the attack chopper if they do try to force passage on foot. Either way they will be cut down.


Gibsonfire, I'm not sure what you are suggesting. Are you

a) being sarcastic, implying flying in the real world sense?


b) is that a serious comment saying that there is only room for new pilots in the ED roster.

If it is (a) then I'm sorry you feel that way but there is only limited spaces in the ED roster. These practices, mini league games and clan friendlies are all there so that everyone in the community who "think they can fly" or otherwise have ample opportunities to prove it - Admins will be watching.

If it is (b) then you are much mistaken, no ones place is secure in the ED roster, oh and that does include the pilots, namely myself. You think "you can fly"? then I welcome the challenge of you trying to shoot me out of the sky.

We are currently one of the best teams in ED and that has occurred for many reasons - one of these being patience! There has to be a structed controlled entry system into the ED roster otherwise it would be farse and we wouldn't have the most suitable players playing.

A pity you can't make the practice!


In Cryo Sleep
hotstuff i cant fly to save my life but i would like to challenge you, after all this is a practice sesh so i can improve my flying skills, or at least get some lol


lol, Pubic I hope you realise by flying, Hottie means Chopper whoring, not planes. Which you seem to be a bit king at, are you a chopper pilot as well?


Thanks for turning up guys, that was a healthy practice and some people certainly shone through. Here is the scores for the 4 maps:

Sgt Safety-----------124
Buffalo Hunter-------92
Sgt Fury--------------79
Tactical NinjA--------69
Pubic warrior---------41


In Cryo Sleep
my score is uber lame and i have a good reason: i cant fly the chopper as hotstuff can tell you lol i defo perfer being a infantry man or tank/APC crew but im still bad at that, suppose thats why we practice
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