Battlefield: Bad Company :)


The demo has recently been released on the PS3 and 360 i was just wondering what you guy think of it
In my opinion its great fun and online has a good game mode where one team attacks attempting to destroy 2 Boxes holding Gold at each base slowly pushing the defenders back causing great intese fights...

I was also wondering for those who have played the demo, whats you favourit Kit online
Mines Support as its basically unfairly the best Equiped with a LMG, med kits gealin you and other, power tool to repair tanks AND a motor barrage call in that recharges....
the kit clearly has everything :D

what do you guys think of the new game to the series?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've grabbed the demo off XBL but it's now sitting in the stack of demos I've yet to try out... I'll report back when I've had a chance to look at it.


In Cryo Sleep
I've had BF BC for my PS3 for quite some time now. I have preordered the game, and recieved a code to get early acess to the demo.

I think its the best FPS game on the PS3 so far. Call of duty is nice, but I just love blowing up buildings and tanks :)


In Cryo Sleep
Ive played the demo on my 360 for about an hour and a half but experienced slight lag at times. I put it down to it being a demo ect and prob being connected to a cruddy american EA server.

Apart from the slight lag it was AWESOME fun.

Ill be renting it for a couple of days to make sure the lag isnt consistant and make sure all is in order, then buying for sure if its as cool as i think itll be :)