Battlefield Play4Free


New Member

Tl:dr; BF2 with new skins, sadly capped at 32 players on release, probably like BF heroes in terms of micropayments, has some of the best BF2 maps, death animations seem to be well... non BF2 style. Blood instead of dust clouds.

But go on


I saw the BF2 maps. I liked a lot. I read about the BC2 classes, I was very much "oh no" (as that is something which destroyed BC2 MP for me). I heard about the BF:H still free to play and thought, "Well, that's fucked that up then." (as it did indeed fuck up BF:H).

Oh well.


Staff member
What was wrong with the payment model in BF:H, and why are you writing off a game based entirely on that?


Active Member
Dont forget that with a player cap of 32 BC2 needed to have less classes, when you have 64 player cap 7 classes is ok. (i personally prefer less, and its more time running around having fun rather than playing a class with nothing to do).


I disliked the classes in BC2 in that the medic was hugely overpowered in all respects. And the fact that they made BF:H so that if you paid money to get good guns, you dicked on people who didn't pay money.

Both of those things I felt on more than one occasion when playing the respective games, and hence ruined them for me. If they are the same (or even too similar), I bought BF:P4F will be much different for me really.

Edit - Yeah, I'm not saying that the classes in BF2 were perfect, I'm saying that the classes in BC2 were not fun for me.


Active Member
The removal of squad leaders meant that a squad in BC2 could function without a medic though. Everything in the game is "less than" the same thing in BF2.


Staff member
And the fact that they made BF:H so that if you paid money to get good guns, you dicked on people who didn't pay money.
None of the guns were "better," and they were all available for free if you, you know, played the game.


None of the guns were "better," and they were all available for free if you, you know, played the game.

While Battlefield Heroes still follows the "free to play" business model, changes in late 2009 altered the balance between free and paying users. On 30 November 2009, Electronic Arts altered the price structure in the game's online store, raising the cost of most items bought via free-to-acquire 'Valor Points'. At the same time, EA lowered the price of the majority of items available to buy with BattleFunds, an in-game currency that must be purchased with real money.

To completely rip off wikipedia. But yeah, that is what I'm referring to. So no, getting them from playing wasn't an option after this change.


It's still an option in the fact that it's possible. It's not an option in the fact that the amount of play time required is now stupid. Given that I'm more tight on time than the average gamer at the best of times, this makes it even more difficult for me. When did you last play it?


Staff member
I played earlier this summer... Leveling up in BC2 isn't exactly a quick process either, but that's a better system?


New Member
Levelling up in BF2 was epic hard mode, well once you unlocked all the guns and it went to just leveling for the sake of it, but it took me 300 hours ish to get that far. I miss BF2. On that note, back to BF2.