Battleforge - a new MMORTS


Junior Administrator
Battleforge is a game that was released a couple of days ago, and looks quite fun.

It's an MMORTS, which is free to play. You create an army using cards from a particular deck which you can create, from a pool of cards that you own. This means there there is a very varied combination of ways that you can play the game.

This looks like it may be worth a shot, anyone else interested or even have it?

I'm tempted to buy either this or DoW2 when my next paycheck comes in, but I'm not sure which yet :D


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Battleforge [...] is free to play

More or less... It's collectible, which means they have other ways of generating continuing revenue. :)

It looks vaguely interesting, and I've often mulled with very, very similar game models in my head, often enough, but something about it is putting off the game.

Can't quite put my finger on it, though...



Staff member
I was in the beta! And I didn't actually get a chance to even download the client :(

I find the concept interesting, though, so I totally will give it a shot at some point.


Well-Known Member
Playing it since beta (and release of course :P ) and I love it.

The only thing frustrating is, that you cannot tell for sure which cars you will get, e.g. I am looking for a certain fire card since I've started playing it (I'm a fire-only player) but with all the boosters I wasn't able to get it and, until now wasn't able to find somebody to trade with to get this card. The only way you can influence this, is to buy cards at the ingame auction house for bf points ( the ingame currency you gotta pay money for, which is also used to buy new booster packs 2000 Bf Points = 20 €) But many players tend to demand far too many bf points, concerning its only a single card. ( A booster pack costs 250 points, my card is varying between 1000 and 1500 in the auction house)

Also to me the game seems to be pretty balanced, too, which is, IMO, one of the most necessary attributes a mmo game should have.

Concerning the decision between DoW 2 and BF ... just follow my exampl: buy both of them ;)