Battlegrounds and 3.2.2


Super Moderator
Staff member
Q: Why can't I get into a battleground? I have been waiting for some time now!
A: This is an issue that small battlegroups have come to experience as of 3.2.2.
The reason for this is as followed:
A new Battleground will not launch until the maximum number of
players on each side are in the queue (i.e. 40 players per side for
Alterac Valley).
And so on and so forth. if you queue for a battleground, then you may have
to wait for some time until all the queue slots are filled for both Horde and
Alliance-side. So for Alterac Valley: 40 slots on Horde side AND 40 slots
on Alliance side must be filled before one can enter said battleground.

In short. ALL slots must be filled by both factions for any battleground you queue for before you may enter it.


In Cryo Sleep
just to add the sheer scale of how bad this is.... i have currently been trying to get into as many AVs as possible, u may have heard be bitching about how uneven the battles r (at level 60) almost every single Av is a aliance win 40 - 16, but at the very least we were getting honour, rep and a single badge.... When i heard about the patch i thought 1st "omg this is gonna be so cool we will be even from now on thus more wins and more badges" erm just means basicaly at lev 60 AV doesnt exist, not unless u have about 4 hours to spare ... its horrificaly bad now, so cheers Blizz x


New Member
Yes, I needed to wait like 6 min for an AB battle which is the holyday BG. I never had to wait for an AB battle before in the evenings :O
I don't wanna know how it is if you want to do AV...


Super Moderator
Staff member
here is what Blizzard's remaining Dev Crew need to focus on for small battle-groups: Merge.
Merge with medium battle-groups or large battle-groups.
I have been following the queues and active BGs on various levels since 3.2.2 and can safely say that there are hardly any going at all now for most level ranges, sadly.
Anotyer thing that makes this even worse is the issue with one only being able to sign up for -two- BGs at a time, which makes it even harder to queue for more slots to fill. Yes. There was an issue with reserving slots and then not using them. But as things are now, this just will not work.

Going to try and reach the Devs later on regarding this issue(Forums are currently down on Eu-side)