Q: Why can't I get into a battleground? I have been waiting for some time now!
A: This is an issue that small battlegroups have come to experience as of 3.2.2.
The reason for this is as followed:
to wait for some time until all the queue slots are filled for both Horde and
Alliance-side. So for Alterac Valley: 40 slots on Horde side AND 40 slots
on Alliance side must be filled before one can enter said battleground.
In short. ALL slots must be filled by both factions for any battleground you queue for before you may enter it.
A: This is an issue that small battlegroups have come to experience as of 3.2.2.
The reason for this is as followed:
And so on and so forth. if you queue for a battleground, then you may haveA new Battleground will not launch until the maximum number of
players on each side are in the queue (i.e. 40 players per side for
Alterac Valley).
to wait for some time until all the queue slots are filled for both Horde and
Alliance-side. So for Alterac Valley: 40 slots on Horde side AND 40 slots
on Alliance side must be filled before one can enter said battleground.
In short. ALL slots must be filled by both factions for any battleground you queue for before you may enter it.