

Well-Known Member
Ive just found this, a WW1 mod for BF2, and im downloading it now...

Does anyone else have it? Is it any good?

EDIT: I have also found another WW1 mod on this months PCG DVD, smaller size so I bet anything its not got as much content.

PS. The file download for BF1918 is almost a GB, so don't start downloading it unless you can leave your pc on or have a DL manager capable of "DL Pause Shutdowns"


In Cryo Sleep
well thats gonna be a dull game spending 90% of the game in a trench waiting for the whistle, and a few brief seconds of action as you charge "over the top" and get shot by a machine gun nest :S

nah seriously, it might be good, let us know PsiSoldier, and also as everyone else has said, give us a link, pretty please with a cherry on top


In Cryo Sleep
NO! Thats the BF1942 release you muppets! :p

Anything BF1918/1 = Mod for BF1942
Anything BF1918/2 = Mod for BF2


In Cryo Sleep
Sam, you're blind, as the site is flash or something equaly naff,
click on the link in Nanor's post, and the select "downloads" from the side menu and then select "Battlefield 1918/2 from the list displayed thats the bf2 stuff.....


Well-Known Member

After 9 hours of bloomin downloading it turns out... I GOT THE 1942 VERSION!

bah... only another month untill i can download the other one