BF2 and css to save world leaders


Junior Administrator
OK heres a theory for u gamers, after many hours sitting pondering the sheer stupidity of certain world leaders and their seemingly nonchalant attitude to wonder into countries and sort of demanding that the current leaders calmly leave, or in setting up insane nuclear programs that they really don't need.

my theoory says that these world leader should set up a gaming clan as the american attitude of we are better than everyone else, which is clearly a massively missplace assumption could be reduced if they could get out their desire to kill everyone by doing it harmlessly online.
put simply world peace could be found if the world leaders simply played some BF2 and some css. in this way the whitehouse could go around killing terrorist to their little hearts content, and North Korean leadership could play some BF2 become a comander and get out all that aggresion by artilllery striking anything that moved.
this way money could be saved by many governments that could then be put back into countries.

any feedback on this idea would be much appreciated as it seems fool proof to me.


In Cryo Sleep
I don't know, buddy.

I wouldn't want GWB to get all upset when his ass keeps getting shot by nut jobs with Ak's and in his rage smack yonder big red button!


Lol, check this out!

The Whitehouse said:
He received a bachelor’s degree in history from Yale University in 1968, and then served as an F-102 fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard. President Bush received a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School in 1975.

No way! Reading that you'd think he was some kind of talented hero... Who let him fly a plane?!?! :eek:



His History degree must be seriously lacking.

Wasn't he a national guard pilot who skipped out Vietnam through bribes or something?


New Member
Nice idea, but you just know that the Americans would just haxxor their way to victory! And at the end of the day, it doesn't achieve anything, people don't fight Wars for the hell of it, they fight them for good reasons, for example:

  1. Territory (mainly in the past nowadays)
  2. Defence of your country
  3. Defence of another country
  4. ousting a dictator of evil leader
  5. etc. etc. etc.

Just because you beat the North Koreans at a game of Battlefield 2 doesn't mean they aren't gonna 'test' their new missile over your land, does it?

(This is all taken in a lighthearted jovial way. I realise your only mucking about ;))


Staff member
Of course it wouldn't work, but you guys are coming up with all the wrong reasons why.

The reason? Ping.

Someone is going to have to host the server. And due to the nature of the match, the participants will all be in very different areas. That means a really unfair advantage for someone, and that won't go over well. And really, do we want to add lag to the things the leaders bitch about? I don't think so.

The solution? Gather them all in the same location for a big lan party (and for easily wiping them out via terrorist attack, should need be.) Everyone wins.


Of course it wouldn't work, but you guys are coming up with all the wrong reasons why.

The reason? Ping.

And quite right too, but with the addition of Pong, your problems would be fixed!

I personally feel that the choice of games is the flawed part of the argument, whilst BF2 and CS:S would be interesting choices, the best would have to be Virtua Tennis or Rockstar's Ping-Pong. The lag would be non-existent - because they're sat right next to you - and it would give plenty of scope for cheeky slaps to the opponent. I mean seriously, who wouldn't want to see the entire fate of a country, China for example, decided by a high-stakes game of table tennis?


In Cryo Sleep
but if it was down to games asia and sweeden would rule the world...

I think it is time to assemble a team....

btw: suggested games : Mario Kart double dash
Smash Brothers
civilisation 4


In Cryo Sleep
Gizmo-5 said:
Suggested games : Mario Kart double dash
Smash Brothers
Civilisation 4


Imagine George W Bush trying to play Civ :D.

Pro Evo would be a good choice, so long as they don't have to play their respective countries ;)


Junior Administrator
i'm sure GWB could hold his own in games. as he would learly get his little henchmen to play for him.
although i'd love to see im play civ 4
the man seems to ave the attention span of a 2 yr old