BF2 Video Vault


New Member
A link to an awful lot of BF2 videos.
Some are downright garbage, but there is the odd gem in their as well.

If you find a good one, then link it up please.


New Member
I've found a gem.
Its more than a bit cruel, mainly because it was done on a random innocent guy.

Very funny though.


New Member
The latest, but greatest BF2 video is to be found here

Yeah..I know..The A/T guy reminds you of somebody,
But who else can you recognise in there?


LOL - Piac the fairy medic - lol

Oh dear - There is someone else in there - But I can't remember his name but he reminded me of the c4 noob.

LOL - Good find Twisto -


In Cryo Sleep
funny bf2 video

This is a hilarious bf2 movie! Everyone watch it it will make you cry.... but not really. VIEW NOW TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT!!!!


New Member
Re: funny bf2 video

Its not too bad.
A bit silly in places, and I loved the Baywatch scenes.
Very long at 20 mins though.
All in all..7 out of ten :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: funny bf2 video

[mod]There is simply no way that this is Soap Box material. Moved to the LinkHive. Please take a moment to consider where you're posting, please![/mod]


New Member
Re: funny bf2 video

There already exists a thread for BF2 videos.
Any future videos should be posted up there for quick and easy reference in the future.