BF2 Wacky Races - Idea

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New Member
I've had an idea of organising a race night on BF2 for sometime in the nearish future.
The basic's are:
2 or 3 Vehicles, preferable the light buggy's, race against each other around a course.
Course's yet to be determined - although Kubra Dam looks damn good if raced between the two main bases by keeping to the valley floor.
Knockout rounds rather than timed - So if eight people turn up, then seven races later it starts again on a different map.
Cheats will be shot by firing squad.

The whole point of this is to have a laugh on what is a very level battlefield (No pun intended), so please post any ideas you may have right up to the event itself.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Sounds fun Twisto!!

I remember fun times driving Docbot and Haven off cliffs in BF1942!! hehe

Bagsy driver seat!


This is a great idea Twisto,
I saw very recently (past day or so) that the dev team on Desert combat has made a mini-mod on this idea, with a working lapcount etc.

I'll find it in a bit, and if you want any help let me know.


Active Member
I think someone posted up a video of some people who did a daft racing thing in BF2, but it had some crazy stuff like explosions that catapulted the vehicles miles into the air over broken bridges.


In Cryo Sleep
Whoa there peeps!

Let's not forget it was actually Phryxus' idea originally!

Twisto just posted it up first :p.

Does that mean Big T gets the copyright?


In Cryo Sleep
Yes he does. Intellectual Property is free to steal unless you file for patents. Not too sure on copyright laws though. Positive minefield.


Staff member
bah I talked about this way back when we were playing bf 1942 and desert combat. so that would be before phryxus, yes?

twisto, on the other hand, is doing it. so kudos to him and sign me up :)


In Cryo Sleep
pHatBambi said:
I'll play if I can be a sniper on the hill!

LoL you couldnt shoot an elphat at point blank

Yeah that would be fun but could we shoot people at the same time?? just like wacky races and leave oil spills about the place :D


New Member
Great response guys.:)
We will have this night during the last week of January.
Keep the ideas rolling in.
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