BF2142 - Demo


In Cryo Sleep
I know it's the Devil's spawn.

I know all the Beta testers said it was cack.

But the demo is released at 5ish today on Gamespot.

They even have a little countdown timer on the page ffs, like anyone is that eager :rolleyes:.

Anyhoo, I'll be playing later, anyone fancy joining me :D.


Erm... in one of the comments beneath the countdown timer there was a sly link to a place where it is available now. Voila. *sigh* If only yous guys didn't have day jobs ;).


I love and hate you, Pia! I love you for bringing me good news, I hate you as I don't have an internet connection where I have a PC being able to play this.

Still, cheers for the update!


I am going to wait for the final release, I have already ordered it. Demos annoy me because you get sick of the same map(s) and you end up hating them on the realease of the game.

I don't think the game was 'cack', the 1st beta test didn't quite feel right but the 2nd one certainly was an improvement. I just got a bit tired of 'VERDUN' I guess.

It's a shame if THN has been put off this game becuase of playing beta versions that of course were always going to have bugs and issues -hence the phrase "testing".

In saying that they may have just brought out BF2142 a bit too early, BF2 was only released 15 months ago! I think the developers are always under pressure to keep the market 'hot' and always be on task for the next game in the series. Maybe they are afraid another company will bring out something better?

I wouldn't be surprised if there is an announcement around March/April 2007 of the next BF game and only god knows what the theme of that will be - riding dinasours and chucking spears at each other maybe? with volcano eruptions as artillery, caves as flag points and boulders as grenades :)


Well-Known Member
The Supreme-Commander beta has only 4 maps but I'm not bored of it, personally I think replaying the same map over isn't an issue if the game is a good one.


Junior Administrator
I wouldn't be surprised if there is an announcement around March/April 2007 of the next BF game and only god knows what the theme of that will be - riding dinasours and chucking spears at each other maybe? with volcano eruptions as artillery, caves as flag points and boulders as grenades :)

Quick! hide that comment before a modder nicks your idea!!! :D

saw this and its now on download via EA Downloader!!!

Estimated time of 1 hour for a 1GB download is not bad at all!!! :D

PS: it might be worth putting this in Games chat too... might grab other people's attention in case they arent in the battlefield group.


Junior Administrator
Right. Had this for 2 days now. and fucking loving it!

The demo does not give you any decent kit or unlocks to try out so unfortunately this does mean that (unless people are being damned stupid) we can't have Piacular's reviving medical goodness back yet (though you can heal people with the assault kit).

There are four kits now Recon Assault Engineer and Support, and with the full game they will offer many different options for customisation, however the only real customisation option you have with this demo is one that allows you to turn on or off Heavy Armour. Having it increases your armour (obviously) but lessens the amount of time you can sprint for.

The controls and even the look (though it is futuristic) is very similar to BF2, however this demo at least seems to run smoother on my (now a bit outdated - well, the graphics card is anyway) system than the full game of BF2 does!

One thing that has annoyed me slightly is that a bug that seems to have crept into the latest version of BF2 whereby when I am dead or critically wounded (and awaiting revival or respawn) I seem to get alot of crackling sounds through my headphones/speakers, is still present in this demo of BF2142, which can get annoying.

So far I have only played the Titan mode, and I can see this being the new staple of clan matches far and wide.

I have just had the best experience with the titan matches where after being switched sides 3 times (very annoying) I ended up on the side that was losing heavily. Our Titan's shield had just been knocked out while theirs was still at 75%! This meant that enemy troops were able to board out Titan and expedite its demise by smashing up the Reactor consoles to gain access to the reactor and then destroy the reactor.

Our team suddenly got the hint and a force of about 4 of us managed to keep twice our number out of our reactor room for a period of about 25 mins... in which time our team managed to knock out the enemy Titan's shields and start smashing things up in there. Unfortunately it was a war of attrition that we did eventually lose as the odd wipe in our reactor room and the continued assault of the missiles from the missile silos on the Titan meant that we did lose... but not without first knocking their Titan down to half health!

So quite a good match even though we lost.

I am loving this game so far and will most definitely be buying it when it is released.

Peace out!


Junior Administrator
Hmmm double post but what the hell.

Didn't mention the vehicles at all!

Walkers... FUN FUN FUN!!! and can be difficult to hit with the Engineer's rocket launcher sometimes too as they can swivel their torso's about pretty rapidly and also there's a big gap at the bottom in between their legs! They are damn good fun to pilot though and they have a second gunner spot on top to keep an eye out for aerial assaults (which they are very prone to...)


These handle very differently to what you are used to in BF2. The turret does not swivel on top of the tank, instead the whole tank moves, but this means it is quite maneuverable. 2 spots in this again.


There are two types in this demo... a gunship and a Transport. the Transport acts as a mobile spawn point and has 7 spaces! (including pilot) These are so easy to fly that even I (with my spangly stick of joy) can fly them slightly competently! My system also seems to be able to keep up with the pace too, which is nice. They self-right themselves, so it will be different to flying in BF2 (I suspect).

And last but not least... the other ground vehicles!

There is a mobile ground buggy. Kinda what you would expect... a fast recon style vehicle with 3 spaces and a mounted machine gun.

Then there's the APC. Also a mobile spawn point, these and the air vehicles are the only way to get yourselves onto the enemy Titan once its shields are down... and it's so much fun!

Whack yourself into one of the passenger seats, hit the right mouse button and then use the mouse and keys to steer the pod that you are propelled up in onto the deck of the titan... where you can go and cause as much havoc as you like. Or get blasted into smithereens by my LMG if you come anywhere near my reactor! :p


In Cryo Sleep
I played this for a bit yesterday, and I found it had both good and bad. The bad - the weapons control is a bit queer, even when fully prone some of the bullets still hit outside of the scope. A couple of the classes are severely lacking in functionality, the assault class had an assault rifle and that was his whack. No nades or nothin'. There must be some unlocks in the main game, but if thats the case then anyone buying the game later on in its life are going to be at a severe disadvantage.
The vehicles are very very big, and thus are very easy to hit with the rocket launcher. Their weapons seem to be a bit underpowered as well, I could have someone firing missiles and chainguns at me as I was standing right in front of them and still be able to dodge for cover.

The good, the weapons look really cool. Kind of like CnC Renegade weapons with bits on. The scopes, especially the sniper scope (the sniper is actually great fun to use this time round) look really futuristic and cool. The rocket launcher fires 4 rockets per salvo, which is really nice. Im not sure if it does all that much more damage but it increases the chance of a hit and looks incredibly neat.
The frame rates dont differ all that much from BF2, I had it at full graphics at 1024x768 and it was still pretty playable. Im going to have to turn something down at some point, but I like it with lovely graphics.
The vehicles mostly consist of big stompy mechs with dual chain cannons and rocket launchers - you feel a bit more formidable in these things than in the tanks in BF2, loads of fun charging at enemies with the machinies blazing.

I only played assault mode so far, based on bloke's advice Im going to have a quick blast on the Titan mode (well, how quick will depend on how good it is :)). I hope the retail version can right the few wrongs by the time of release - I'm definitely buying it.


In Cryo Sleep
I've found the tank controls the most artful to use so far :D. Using the mouse to turn and the keys to strafe is weird when you're x20 larger than normal and a little sluggish. Trying to hit anything at a distance was mad, I always seem to be drifting slowly in one direction :S.

The big stompy mechs (as Tet's accurately put it ;)), are easy to use, though it's odd when you get EMP'ed :). They seem pretty tough and it took ages for anyone to killz me inz it!

I like the new med kits, though it means goodbye to my insta-heal, it does mean more people can benefit from it :).


Junior Administrator
I like the new med kits, though it means goodbye to my insta-heal, it does mean more people can benefit from it :).

Exactly. Myself and another player dropped an ammo box and a med kit next to the reactor room entrance and then then planted ourselves at either side of the door. nothing got in for a while :D


TB said:
Hmmm double post but what the hell.

Didn't mention the vehicles at all!

Walkers... FUN FUN FUN!!! and can be difficult to hit with the Engineer's rocket launcher sometimes too as they can swivel their torso's about pretty rapidly and also there's a big gap at the bottom in between their legs! They are damn good fun to pilot though and they have a second gunner spot on top to keep an eye out for aerial assaults (which they are very prone to...)

Reading's a useful skill


In Cryo Sleep
I played the Titan mode some just there, and its amazing fun! I also put the graphics down a tad as well, it makes the game run loads faster, but it still looks great! I'm getting accustomed to the new AT class, the SMG is almost better than the assault rifle! Can't wait for this to come out now, see you on the battlefield.


but you some how replied to it??? :s



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Anyway, how many of you are actually planning on getting the game? Or shall we just stick to good old Battlefield 2?