I played this for a bit yesterday, and I found it had both good and bad. The bad - the weapons control is a bit queer, even when fully prone some of the bullets still hit outside of the scope. A couple of the classes are severely lacking in functionality, the assault class had an assault rifle and that was his whack. No nades or nothin'. There must be some unlocks in the main game, but if thats the case then anyone buying the game later on in its life are going to be at a severe disadvantage.
The vehicles are very very big, and thus are very easy to hit with the rocket launcher. Their weapons seem to be a bit underpowered as well, I could have someone firing missiles and chainguns at me as I was standing right in front of them and still be able to dodge for cover.
The good, the weapons look
really cool. Kind of like CnC Renegade weapons with bits on. The scopes, especially the sniper scope (the sniper is actually great fun to use this time round) look really futuristic and cool. The rocket launcher fires 4 rockets per salvo, which is really nice. Im not sure if it does all that much more damage but it increases the chance of a hit and looks incredibly neat.
The frame rates dont differ all that much from BF2, I had it at full graphics at 1024x768 and it was still pretty playable. Im going to have to turn something down at some point, but I like it with lovely graphics.
The vehicles mostly consist of big stompy mechs with dual chain cannons and rocket launchers - you feel a bit more formidable in these things than in the tanks in BF2, loads of fun charging at enemies with the machinies blazing.
I only played assault mode so far, based on bloke's advice Im going to have a quick blast on the Titan mode (well, how quick will depend on how good it is
). I hope the retail version can right the few wrongs by the time of release - I'm definitely buying it.