[BF2142] Enemy Down Infantry Ladder rules.


Junior Administrator
I'm going to duplicate the rules of our ladder here for reference:

Battlefield 2142 (1) Cheats & Exploits

1.1 All kinds of cheats and exploits are strictly forbidden. Any clan found to be using them may be removed from Enemy Down.

1.2 Evidence MUST be provided of any cheating/using exploits. This MUST be in the form of PB screenshots/ personal screenshots or Battlerecorder. No other forms will be accepted.

Battlefield 2142 (2) Teams

2.1 The challenging clan decides which side to play first. Clans will swap sides at half time.

2.2 Minimum players - Minimum team size is 5 players.

2.3 Maximum players - Maximum is 8 players.

2.4 Players that do not have user accounts on ED (ie, players on the clan roster as 'grey-face' players) may NOT play in official ED matches, regardless of any agreements between clans. Un-registered players may play PCW matches, but only with the agreement of the opposing clan.

Battlefield 2142 (3) Server Settings

3.0 'No Vehicles' mod MUST be switched on. Server setting: sv.noVehicles 1

3.1 The default length of a match is 2x20 mins per map. Clans may select an alternative time from the challenge menu.

3.2 Below are the default settings for ED matches:

sv.internet 1
sv.punkBuster 1
sv.allowFreeCam 0
sv.allowExternalViews 1
sv.allowNoseCam 1
sv.hitIndicator 1
sv.notEnoughPlayersRestartDelay 15
sv.startDelay 60
sv.endDelay 15
sv.spawnTime 15
sv.manDownTime 15
sv.endOfRoundDelay 0
sv.ticketRatio 200
sv.roundsPerMap 4
sv.timeLimit $$timelimit_seconds$$
sv.scoreLimit 0
sv.soldierFriendlyFire 100
sv.vehicleFriendlyFire 100
sv.soldierSplashFriendlyFire 100
sv.vehicleSplashFriendlyFire 100
sv.friendlyFireWithMines 1
sv.autoBalanceTeam 0
sv.teamRatioPercent 100
sv.ranked 0
sv.useGlobalRank 1
sv.useGlobalUnlocks 1

3.3 Server Side Auto Kicks - Any server side settings which automatically kick a player (eg: Swear Filter/ Team Kill) should be turned OFF. In the even a player gets auto-kicked from the server, then play should be halted, the player be allowed to return to the server. This round will then be defaulted against the clan who's server the game is being played on. The default score will be 50% of the tickets. A screenshot and/ or server logs will be required of the kick incase of any match conflicts
eg: A map starting with 220 - 200, would enter as 110 - 0 OR 100 - 0, depending on which team they're on.

3.4 VOIP - VOIP is entirely optional. Clan's are expected to have some form of communication software such as TS/Ventrillo installed.

TS - http://www.goteamspeak.com/news.php
Ventrillo - http://www.ventrilo.com/

Software and full instructions are available from the links above.

Battlefield 2142 (4) Scoring

4.1 The game works on a 'Ticket' system, when the game starts, each team will be given a certain amount of tickets to begin with. If a clan controls an outpost or each time they kill the enemy, they will deduct tickets from the opposing clan. A clan wins the game by taking all of the opposing clans tickets or by having the most tickets remaining at the end of the time limit.

4.2 The match score entered should be the total number of tickets remaining (not the number of rounds won).

4.3 Screenshots MUST be taken at the end of the round clearly showing the scoreboard (players names and score). You will be required to keep these for 2 weeks following a match.

Battlefield 2142 (5) Substitutions

5.1 Substituting players during match is allowed, as long as they are all fully registered and no extra players are playing at any time.

5.2 In the event of a clan losing a player(s) during a match it is the clans responsibility to ensure they have sufficient substitutes ready to join the server as replacements. As it is currently not possible to use ingame chat while paused clans MUST NOT use the pause facility during an official match and play must continue.

Battlefield 2142 (6) Punkbuster

6.1 Punkbuster MUST be enabled on all match servers.

6.2. Punkbuster GUIDs are required. You MUST enter the FULL 32 character GUID into the Unique ID field. If you play any of the other Battlefield series you MUST ensure the GUID you enter is your Battlefield 2142 GUID.

6.3 It is the clan's responsibility to ensure all members participating in a match have their GUID's entered.

Battlefield 2142 (7) In Game

7.1 Unlockable Weapons - By default ALL unlockable weapons ARE allowed in matches unless specifically requested in the match notes.

7.2 Commander - The commander position IS NOT allowed in Infantry matches.

7.3 Vehicles - The use of any vehicles is strictly forbidden, use will lead to a default win to your opponent (screenshot required). sv.noVehicles does not currently work in Battlefield 2142.

7.4 C4 & Claymores - By default C4 & Claymores ARE NOT allowed in matches unless specifically requested in the match notes.

7.5 Mounted Weapons - By default Mounted Guns ARE allowed in matches.

7.6 Pods - Under no circumstances should a player use a pod to gain greater distances across the map than is designed. This means the use of "pod surfing" is prohibited and will result in the loss of the round if proved to have been used.

7.7 Squad Beacon - Use of the Squad Beacon to gain access to a roof which is otherwise inaccessible is allowed, however whilst on these roofs there should be no Squad Beacon placed up here. Players may spawn directly onto the Squad Leader.

7.8 Squad Beacon Spawning - The use of the Squad Beacon to manoeuvre great distances across the map is forbidden. When spawning on a Squad Beacon a player should fall pretty much straight down, an allowance of around 5 metres from the Squad Beacon is allowed. Any accusations made under this rule must be accompanied by a Battlerecorder Demo. The use of this will result in the default loss of the round it was used in, if used in all four rounds then the opposition will be rewarded full tickets.

Battlefield 2142 (8) Ladders

8.1 You can only play on 16 player maps in the Infantry Ladder.

8.2 After 60 days of inactivity within the BF2 ladders, clans are automatically removed.

Battlefield 2142 (9) Servers

9.1 ALL ED member Clans must stream their servers to the AMBL as an entry requirement. There are NO exceptions.

9.2 Any Clans found to use non-streaming servers in matches will have the result(s) defaulted to the opposition.

9.3 Clans who do not stream during matches will be not be allowed to use these servers for matches.

9.4 Server Admins must keep their servers PsB streaming up to date. This means using the Auto-MBL to keep the Bans and MD5 checks set by PsB to the latest version. Any servers not running the latest bans and configs should not be used for official ED matches.
