BF2142 Hints and tips from playing.


Active Member
Hi, since i have noticed that a fair number of havennetters are playing this i figured this could help, and as people contribute it will become a potentially usful resource to us.

Type 32 Nekomata (PAC spawn only*)
You can use mouse look to look from left to right, without turning the tank.

When using the AED-6 Defibrillator you can press your attack key before you reach the target, not sure if this is lag or delay, probably the latter, also its range appears to be around 2 feet(Greater than the knife but cant attack as fast).

The SLSB (Squad Leader Spawn Beacon). When the beacon is deployed members of the squad can spawn at it using drop pods, although while it is down members cant spawn on the SL himself. This i surpose is useful for advancing and being able to fall back rapidly even into recently lost bases.
You can also use it to attack somewhere where you expect the SL to die alot too.

*Only spawns in PAC Bases

I now believe all deployables can be picked up after deployment with the change kits key.

SLSB Spawn Beacon - Yes - you can use this even if you dont have it unlocked by looting it + you're SL.

PDS-1 (Vehicle Sonar)

IPS Shield (Portable Defense Shield) - Yes
A12 Enforcer Sentry Gun - I think so.
RDX DemoPak (Aka C-7) - Yes

U]Dont know[/U]

APM (Mine)
II-29 Motion Mine (Mine)
II-14 EMP (Mine)

I use the engineer's 'sonar' unlock quite frequently, basically you plonk the sonar down on the ground in the same fashion as C4 and it tells you the locations of all enemy vehicles within a set radius (about the size of any small base).

Can you pick it up?


In Cryo Sleep
The Nekomatas are brilliant fun, you'd think the distinct lack of turret would be really restrictive but its actually really neat. Im not sure if the cannon is more powerful than the Tiger's, it looks like it should be, but maybe the developers thought the manouverability aspect was a sufficient balance.

Tip of my own:

You can knife people when they are inside the AA/Plasma/charge-thingy turrets. Ive done it a few times, easy 'tags :)


In Cryo Sleep
Ki!ler, my mouse turns the PAC tank... That's the one with no turret? The "a" and "d" keys strafe it for me and without mouse turning I couldn't change facing! :)

Here is a hot tip for SL's! Use UAV Steve (he has a proper name, but I have no idea what that is :)), he spots all the infantry hidding in the immediate vicinity and pops up their locations on squad memebers HUD's! Very useful on the urban maps :D.


In Cryo Sleep
I use the engineer's 'sonar' unlock quite frequently, basically you plonk the sonar down on the ground in the same fashion as C4 and it tells you the locations of all enemy vehicles within a set radius (about the size of any small base).

I also unlocked the engineer thing-bob that lets other people in your squad see the vehicles you can see, but I dont know how it works. Has that got anything to do with the 'glowing' I see appear round some of the vehicles?


Well-Known Member
Any tank that has it's gun built into a super-structure rather than a turret has the capability to be alot more powerfull than it's turreted friends.

Just out of interest... But does the turretless tank have a lower profile than turreted ones?


If you unlock the Recon's active camo and C4, you can be a VERY useful little anti-tanker (and it also leads onto the non-sniper type gun for that class). My house mate (via stolen wireless) has done this, and seems to be quite good at spotting enemy vehicles on the way to cap a flag. He waits for them to be quite close, then cloaks, and then C4's them while they are turned away. Cloak again, walk happily away and blow them to s***. Get the points for flag defense too!

I strongly recommend looking at this for clan games where you KNOW that the enemy are going to send in some heavy armour.

Also, the single shot, anti-armour turrets that are quite inaccurate unless you zoom in (which means it's a bugger to rotate) are awesome as anti-personal sniping machines. As long as they are a way away and there aren't too many of them! :D

Finally, the flyers (yes, I'm flying still, and I love it) are quite happy are running people over. Flying through the bridge on Suez Canal and clipping 5+ unaware enemies while shooting the jeep that's driving towards you, then turning out of the middle of the bridge is just SO MUCH FUN. And pointified. And fun.

Edit - oh yeah, forgot to mention some flying tips. Hovering is SO much easier in these things then in heli's ala BF2. If you have a throttle stick on your joystick, just stick it full back and tilt backwards for a second. This is one of the things I can not master in BF2. But re-arming in BF2142 is very nice.


Well-Known Member
Heh, that recon combo sounds like me on Planetside, with my Infiltration Suit (Turns invisible :eek:!) and remote bombs (AKA Boomers) :).


In Cryo Sleep
If you unlock the Recon's active camo and C4, you can be a VERY useful little anti-tanker (and it also leads onto the non-sniper type gun for that class). My house mate (via stolen wireless) has done this, and seems to be quite good at spotting enemy vehicles on the way to cap a flag. He waits for them to be quite close, then cloaks, and then C4's them while they are turned away. Cloak again, walk happily away and blow them to s***. Get the points for flag defense too!

I strongly recommend looking at this for clan games where you KNOW that the enemy are going to send in some heavy armour.

I prefer to just blast 'em with my quad rocket launcher :D I dont know how your mate manages all that with the camo, I get folks running up in front of me with the camo on, obviously far overestimating the camo effect, trying for a cheeky knife kill. Pretty neat though, just the right amount of camo to prevent you being seen, but at the same time easy enough to be spotted by a keen-eyed individual.

Do you recon you'll be allowed to use unlocks in clan matches? I was wondering about those unlocks you get that you can't take off, like the engineer's vehicle->squad relay thingy. Surely you won't be allowed that in a match?


Well-Known Member
The idea with the camo is not to be entirly invisible but just to aid in sneaking, ofcourse it's very much possible to C4 a tank or other vehicle without it, but the camo just makes it even easier.


Active Member
Ki!ler, my mouse turns the PAC tank... That's the one with no turret? The "a" and "d" keys strafe it for me and without mouse turning I couldn't change facing! :)

I think you missunderstand, i mean that in the Nekomata you can use the mouselook key to look 90 degrees left and right, thus not requiring you to turn the the tank.
Just out of interest... But does the turretless tank have a lower profile than turreted ones?

No, substantially higher, it hovers like a magrider(Planetside), but it very very weak at the rear, which funnily enough it can hide MUCH MUCH faster :)

Do you recon you'll be allowed to use unlocks in clan matches? I was wondering about those unlocks you get that you can't take off, like the engineer's vehicle->squad relay thingy. Surely you won't be allowed that in a match?

I have yet to play in an unranked server, i guess this will fix it, hell maybe its in the server options to force cirtain unlocks in unranked games, the AED-6 Defibrillator is an unlock.

I use the engineer's 'sonar' unlock quite frequently, basically you plonk the sonar down on the ground in the same fashion as C4 and it tells you the locations of all enemy vehicles within a set radius (about the size of any small base).

Can you pick it up?


Psi is right Tet, the camo is good if you want to sneak a little bit. Thinking that it's a "get out of jail free" card means that people just mow you down (like you said about the sneaky knifers). However, it's great being able to help you hide as the tanks come rollin' on past!

And not sure bout the unlocks. BF2 is no unlocks (due to the lovely over-powered support weapon..., etc.), but the defib is a bit of a big loss if you ask me :(

Finally, I find the quad rocket launcher is pretty s*** against tanks and stuff. I hit a walker head on and it did almost nothing, tried from behind (no jokes you lot!) and still not much! And the tanks were even worse >_<


Junior Administrator
With the walkers you gotta find the right spot... there is a point underneath the main body where the legs join... hit that bit with a rocket and you knock off half his health. Similarly with tanks... hit their rear armour and you knock off 50% of your health.

Unfotunately while guiding the missile to its destination you invariably get shot at/killed/raped/mutilated/knifed/de-fibbed so I normally only get one rocket off and after that i'm dead and they have time to heal...


In Cryo Sleep
Here's a new hint!

(previously alluded to ingame by Fluidic and Ki!ller ;))

Get so many kills with a knife (somewhere between 50-100), and get a shexy new one :D.

Look at my new precious.

The Dog Tagger Dagger V2000! (Or something like that, I can't read all it says on the blade :)).


In Cryo Sleep
With the walkers you gotta find the right spot... there is a point underneath the main body where the legs join... hit that bit with a rocket and you knock off half his health. Similarly with tanks... hit their rear armour and you knock off 50% of your health.

Unfotunately while guiding the missile to its destination you invariably get shot at/killed/raped/mutilated/knifed/de-fibbed so I normally only get one rocket off and after that i'm dead and they have time to heal...

It's best if you wait for them to roll into bases first, hide behind buildings, and then pop them in the back whilst they're capping the flag. That way they have no idea where it came from, and you get a nice juicy shot on the back. It's interesting you find the quad-launcher so weak, I think it's pretty powerful. Ive noticed that the quad launcher has more stopping power, but the guidance system reacts slower whereas the PAC rocket does less damage, but it's easier to guide. Personally, I prefer the quad. I'd say that, in general, the 2142 vehicles have thicker hides than their BF2 counterparts.

The walkers are pretty heavily armoured, it takes at least 4 rockets usually to put them down, unless you get a hit on the soft spot (which I never knew about before, thanks :D). The engineer's anti-tank rifle unlock is useless vs. walkers, they move too fast and the target is too small.


Yes, but it hovers 2 foot of the ground so that advantage is gone...



Active Member
Here's a new hint!

(previously alluded to ingame by Fluidic and Ki!ller ;))

Get so many kills with a knife (somewhere between 50-100), and get a shexy new one :D.

Look at my new precious.

The Dog Tagger Dagger V2000! (Or something like that, I can't read all it says on the blade :)).

Got it at around 105 kills.

EDIT: am up to 180 now with record of 12 in a round.


I dont know how your mate manages all that with the camo, I get folks running up in front of me with the camo on, obviously far overestimating the camo effect, trying for a cheeky knife kill.

Pure skill :D

Unfotunately while guiding the missile to its destination you invariably get shot at/killed/raped/mutilated/knifed/de-fibbed so I normally only get one rocket off and after that i'm dead and they have time to heal...

You can rape people now? is that one of the unlocks?


Well-Known Member
No, substantially higher, it hovers like a magrider(Planetside), but it very very weak at the rear, which funnily enough it can hide MUCH MUCH faster

That's not right... Any turretless tank should be completly the opposite of that.