Active Member
Hi, since i have noticed that a fair number of havennetters are playing this i figured this could help, and as people contribute it will become a potentially usful resource to us.
Type 32 Nekomata (PAC spawn only*)
You can use mouse look to look from left to right, without turning the tank.
When using the AED-6 Defibrillator you can press your attack key before you reach the target, not sure if this is lag or delay, probably the latter, also its range appears to be around 2 feet(Greater than the knife but cant attack as fast).
The SLSB (Squad Leader Spawn Beacon). When the beacon is deployed members of the squad can spawn at it using drop pods, although while it is down members cant spawn on the SL himself. This i surpose is useful for advancing and being able to fall back rapidly even into recently lost bases.
You can also use it to attack somewhere where you expect the SL to die alot too.
*Only spawns in PAC Bases
I now believe all deployables can be picked up after deployment with the change kits key.
SLSB Spawn Beacon - Yes - you can use this even if you dont have it unlocked by looting it + you're SL.
PDS-1 (Vehicle Sonar)
IPS Shield (Portable Defense Shield) - Yes
A12 Enforcer Sentry Gun - I think so.
RDX DemoPak (Aka C-7) - Yes
U]Dont know[/U]
APM (Mine)
II-29 Motion Mine (Mine)
II-14 EMP (Mine)
Can you pick it up?
Type 32 Nekomata (PAC spawn only*)
You can use mouse look to look from left to right, without turning the tank.
When using the AED-6 Defibrillator you can press your attack key before you reach the target, not sure if this is lag or delay, probably the latter, also its range appears to be around 2 feet(Greater than the knife but cant attack as fast).
The SLSB (Squad Leader Spawn Beacon). When the beacon is deployed members of the squad can spawn at it using drop pods, although while it is down members cant spawn on the SL himself. This i surpose is useful for advancing and being able to fall back rapidly even into recently lost bases.
You can also use it to attack somewhere where you expect the SL to die alot too.
*Only spawns in PAC Bases
I now believe all deployables can be picked up after deployment with the change kits key.
SLSB Spawn Beacon - Yes - you can use this even if you dont have it unlocked by looting it + you're SL.
PDS-1 (Vehicle Sonar)
IPS Shield (Portable Defense Shield) - Yes
A12 Enforcer Sentry Gun - I think so.
RDX DemoPak (Aka C-7) - Yes
U]Dont know[/U]
APM (Mine)
II-29 Motion Mine (Mine)
II-14 EMP (Mine)
I use the engineer's 'sonar' unlock quite frequently, basically you plonk the sonar down on the ground in the same fashion as C4 and it tells you the locations of all enemy vehicles within a set radius (about the size of any small base).
Can you pick it up?