In Cryo Sleep
Ah, BF2142...
Now, if we take BF2 as the standard, these are the pros and cons in comparison.
Cons - (get it out the way first!)
Pros - (ah, the good stuff!)
So I like BF2142, it bugs me a bit because I'm dying easily and getting TK'ed a lot, but that happens at the start of all gaming experience.
Now, if we take BF2 as the standard, these are the pros and cons in comparison.
Cons - (get it out the way first!)
- Not BF2 .
- Titan mode creates lots of chug when there are lots of people on board and/or the Titans are in the centre of the map.
- New players start at an equipment disadvantage.
- Locations aren't... pleasant? They're beautiful, but not in the way you appreciate GoO or Wake on a rainy day .
- No jets or real aerial pain, apart from Titan cannons. ("Orcas" are easily spooked by AA emplacements).
- Guns aren't particularly bassy (except the support sentry gun, that sounds dangerous), meaning I feel a lack of kick, still they're better than the snap of the L85A1!
Pros - (ah, the good stuff!)
- Sci-Fi ftw!
- Tanks are ace. EU have a standard tank (which looks funky), but the PAC hover-tank is groovy and requires oodles of skill to control, being able to strafe and having no turret (21st century StuG! ).
- Unlock system is nice, people with unlocks aren't that much better than bog standard geez's (with the exception of the sniper, who gets a better scope and a "wobbler reducer", which makes him way more effective than bog standard sniper boy).
- Being able to vary the equipment you carry is interesting, there is so much good stuff you want it all! But you can only carry 2 extra items e.g. defib's and 'nades.
- Drop-pods. Sooo much fun, and so many ways to be used! From the Titan, from the APC, from the Air Transport and on the SL beacon (just got to land on people heads!).
- Squads have been taken further. People in the squad get points for doing what the SL orders e.g. Defending a flag you've been ordered to not only gives you flag defense points, but also squad points .
- Squad points! When enough of these are racked up over a session (not just one game, they continue over all the maps), you get an opportunity to unlock a set of items in-game during real time. Wicked! Like extra grenades, SL squad spawner, shotgun attachment and many more! Especially useful because it allows you to "try before you buy" the permanent rank unlocks .
- Loading times after the initial boot-up are tiny, for me they are easily less than 30 seconds. Bouncing from server to server has never been easier!
- Dog Tags. Ahh, the new way to be cheeky! Jab someone with the ol' knife and get his tags! Haha, they're stored permanently so you can keep track of who you've stabbed, and they're accompanied by a satisfying sound-effect and picture of his tags with his name 'n' all!
- Orcas, so cool! Fun to fly too, not really like anything else I've flown before. They don't require much ability to get from A to B, but fighting in them is different .
- Spawn points. There are now so many places to spawn! Any APC/Air Transport last inhabited by your team, Titans, SL, SL beacons and normal points. So much easier to get where the action is!
- All classes are used, and each has their own unique complimentary unlockable items! (these are just an example of the 8 available for each class) Recon - Cloak (spooky!). Support - Shield (portable cover, that only you can fire through!). Engineer - Brainy bombs (spherical little buggers that chase after near-by vehicles and then explode, like those thingies in HL2, but more boomy).
- Titan mode. Still not convinced by it, but when it's running well it's great fun. Stalking the inside provides lots of ways to outsmart the opposition .
- Oh yeah, and WALKERS! Bloody things, they're brilliant! They aren't overpowered either. The main gunner has an anti-infantry and anti-light vehicle gun, and a dumb rocket launcher. The second gunner gets a flak gun and an EMP launcher. So pretty good. The dumb rockets however mean that the Walker has to get close to be any good as an AT. So tanks murder them from a distance . The walker can also sprint, which is handy, but he can't crouch and EA said he could . Though when the walker is moving it's incredibly difficult to hit anything, all that bobbing could make you sick!
- EMP. Hit a flying vehicle with one... . Disables all vehicles, and even affects infantry by really screwing up your visor, flipping the colours, making it wobble etc. Nightmare!
- Final, subtle point. Each class can choose to have heavy armour or not. The effect is similar to the difference between the Medic's life/sprint and the AT's life/sprint. It just makes everything that little bit more flexible
So I like BF2142, it bugs me a bit because I'm dying easily and getting TK'ed a lot, but that happens at the start of all gaming experience.