BF3 endless huge patches?


Why is it every time I try to play BF3, it always has to do an update that lasts for about 8 hours?

Admitedly, I don't play it that often, perhaps every months or so?

But my god 23Gb patch one month then 5Gb patch the next.

It would be nice to just run the game one night and actually get to play it.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Why is it every time I try to play BF3, it always has to do an update that lasts for about 8 hours?

Admitedly, I don't play it that often, perhaps every months or so?

But my god 23Gb patch one month then 5Gb patch the next.

It would be nice to just run the game one night and actually get to play it.

On a similar, threadjacking note, my steam seems to be updating EVERY DAY, anyone else having this?


Well-Known Member
Why is it every time I try to play BF3, it always has to do an update that lasts for about 8 hours?

Admitedly, I don't play it that often, perhaps every months or so?

But my god 23Gb patch one month then 5Gb patch the next.

It would be nice to just run the game one night and actually get to play it.

If you're playing with a fair gap between times you play it's probably downloading the DLC. Even if you haven't bought the DLC it's probably downloading it anyway. It's the only way to account for the size of the patches you're getting other than some terrible error.

On a similar, threadjacking note, my steam seems to be updating EVERY DAY, anyone else having this?

Aye, I was having this for a while. It seems to have stopped now, though.


Active Member
I too was put off by the BF3 patches. Like yourself I only played every month or so only to be confronted by updates.

I was at a mini LAN a few months back at a friend's flat and they were playing on one of the expansions for BF3 and I couldn't unless I wanted to fork out extra money. I remember the good days of just buying a game and playing it and not being badgered to pay for extra bells and whistles. Even more so when it stops me from playing with friends.


Junior Administrator
I too was put off by the BF3 patches. Like yourself I only played every month or so only to be confronted by updates.

I was at a mini LAN a few months back at a friend's flat and they were playing on one of the expansions for BF3 and I couldn't unless I wanted to fork out extra money. I remember the good days of just buying a game and playing it and not being badgered to pay for extra bells and whistles. Even more so when it stops me from playing with friends.
That's no different to playing on Battlefield 1942 and not having The Road to Rome or Secret Weapons of WWII.
I don't really see what these "good old days" are?

The total price of BF3 + expansions is the same price as BF2 + expansions as well (when it was new). I would say that the price of BF3 + expansions has possibly even fallen faster than back in the days of BF2.

In Regards to patches, each expansion BF3 gets a 2-3GB patch, followed by the optional extra 2-3GB Expansion. I think they've mostly kept bug fixes to the same schedule as expansion releases.


Active Member
The total price of BF3 + expansions is the same price as BF2 + expansions as well (when it was new). I would say that the price of BF3 + expansions has possibly even fallen faster than back in the days of BF2.

I got far more enjoyment out of BF1942 and BF2 for a long time without even hearing about those expansions never mind buying them. I also didn't have to download enormous patches all the time.

The good old days are my personal opinion on the experiences I've had gaming in the past. My point is things have changed, and this thread I am providing my opinion in, highlights one of those changes I feel to be for the bad.


Active Member
I think part of the change is the evolution of games to be monumentally bigger than they used to be in file size.
I used to be able to install half-life and a mod or two for it in the space of 1.5 to 2 GB, but nowadays shooters are wanting to eat 15 to 20 GB of my drives just to install, then more for DLC etc.
The other factor is monetization of gaming which is a very divisive minefield of a topic that i shan't get into here.


Active Member
That said actually I do remember needing to rely on PCGamer CDs to get my Half-life patches as we had dial up at the time :eek:

Ah the good old days! :D