Active Member
We have decided to open up server rule discussion in advance of the games release.
As many of your know from being game server admins, in order to be popular with a healthy server environment and get repeat players, we need robust server rules.
Below are rules which i have thought of, some may be unpopular and it will be good to fix them in advance.
The rules fall into 3 categories:
These rules will be on the loading page and display to all players entering the server, and periodically displayed in chat every 10 minutes.
Equally important as basic but not spammed at the players.
These are ideas for expanded rules only.
These rules will not be advertised on the server and serve only to give admins permission to take action against players who do are not compatible with a healthy teamplay environment.
Proposed Rules:
No abusive language
Do not spawncamp
[strike]No Jets/Battle Tanks before 8v8[/strike]
Do not lock squads with only 2 players.
[strike]No runway grieving[/strike]
[strike]Fast Vehicle C4 Ramming (Jihad Jeeping)[/strike]
Vehicle Queuing
Stealing Combat Aircraft from uncap
[strike]No placing mobile spawn points in your own uncap. [vehicle queuing][/strike]
No Mining the opposing side's runway.[spawn camping]
[strike]Clan jumbling[/strike]
[strike]Vehicles leaving start empty[/strike]
Using a vehicle selfishly to reach a hard to reach space for sniping or other purposes at the expense of the vehicle.
Transport helicopter pilots bailing when their vehicle is doomed, leaving the passengers to die with no knowledge of the danger.
Note if action is not specified admins may escalate(From Global warning to perma ban) at their own discretion.
As many of your know from being game server admins, in order to be popular with a healthy server environment and get repeat players, we need robust server rules.
Below are rules which i have thought of, some may be unpopular and it will be good to fix them in advance.
The rules fall into 3 categories:
These rules will be on the loading page and display to all players entering the server, and periodically displayed in chat every 10 minutes.
Equally important as basic but not spammed at the players.
These are ideas for expanded rules only.
These rules will not be advertised on the server and serve only to give admins permission to take action against players who do are not compatible with a healthy teamplay environment.
Proposed Rules:
No abusive language
Do not spawncamp
[strike]No Jets/Battle Tanks before 8v8[/strike]
Do not lock squads with only 2 players.
[strike]No runway grieving[/strike]
[strike]Fast Vehicle C4 Ramming (Jihad Jeeping)[/strike]
Vehicle Queuing
Stealing Combat Aircraft from uncap
[strike]No placing mobile spawn points in your own uncap. [vehicle queuing][/strike]
No Mining the opposing side's runway.[spawn camping]
[strike]Clan jumbling[/strike]
[strike]Vehicles leaving start empty[/strike]
Using a vehicle selfishly to reach a hard to reach space for sniping or other purposes at the expense of the vehicle.
Transport helicopter pilots bailing when their vehicle is doomed, leaving the passengers to die with no knowledge of the danger.
Note if action is not specified admins may escalate(From Global warning to perma ban) at their own discretion.