Big Brother Virtual



Yep. The Big Brother idea is spreading to the virtual realms. The BCC is reporting that Second Life are going to stage a Big Brother within their virtual world. 15 players will sit in a glass house for a month, being voted off one at a time, and the winner gets a (virtual) island. Not bad seeing as you can convert the online currency back to real money - sell the island, and make a fair bit! Much like the buying of a virtual space station in Project Entropia.

However, are the people behind Big Brother going to let their trademark name be used? Or even the idea? And is it really going to be "as interesting" (not my opinion) as the "real" BB? I mean, in the TV series, the people are stuck there. In SL, what's to stop one of the contestants going out... It's not like they are confined in any way, other then ingame... Could get a bit boring just playing in a single house though, while trying to impress people so you don't get voted off...