Big Head!


Well-Known Member
I thought the 8800 drivers don't support SLI yet, or Vista drivers, or something.

Anyway, it's nice! Better than the FPS I get on my games on low lol.


If you notice, on his case are the Intel and nVidia names. This says to me that either he is a writer doing a review for the technology, or works for one of them and gets to play with the stuff. Either way, it means he'll be able to get the drivers that are currently in development for Vista and SLi.

And you're right, at the moment, SLi is a bit iffy in Vista, and the Vista drivers are horribly unoptimised compared with the 2000/XP drivers. So, wait 3-6 months, and it should be fine. But by then ATI's beast of a card, the R600 (Wikipedia rumour page really) will be out by then. And that's gonna be a BEAST and a half. THe one reason I'm liking it: onboard sound on the graphics card (on some models), so that you can get HDMI output with the sound. It has it's uses, and is easier then setting up DVI->HDMI converter with audio input elsewhere!

Still, I wouldn't mind SLI 8800GTX's and a 30inch screen!


Junior Administrator
elD, you just use the DVI-D to HDMI converter, and if you have a beasty home cinema system like we do, you plug the Optical Out into your Amplifier, thus awesome HD sound


Exactly! If you have a beasty home cinema system :p I'm looking to use the lower end version of the R600's (nice and cheap ones) to run on a MythTV box. I will just need some drivers that run it under linux. So I need not worry about lots of cables and having optical out, etc., I just use a single HDMI cable.

Cheers for being helpful though Traxata :)


Junior Administrator
well i just have all these bits and bob's so i never really worry about those sorta things :P


Super Moderator
Staff member
lets just hope that the RD600 Linux drivers are better than the current ATI ones as TBH they're worse than useless