I've just done a massive user clean-up. We had 276 user accounts before the clean and now have 169. That's a purge of 107 accounts.
All accounts purged were done so by one of the following criteria:
The first is to dispose of accounts that we can't verify. Moral of the story is "activate if you don't want to be purged".
The second is to dispose of dead-weight that may either present a potential security risk (to us or them) or are just taking up space and confusing my semi-regular forum usage analysis.
Please note that any of these people are welcome to re-register in future. If you believe you're going away on extended leave (more than 3 months) then, to be safe, drop us a note to say you're away. However, we're never likely to purge accounts that have posted anything substantial here as it'd really screw up reading older posts, if nothing else.
I think I've successfully cleaned up after myself but if you spot anything awry then please post in reply.
Otherwise, nothing to see here. Move along.
All accounts purged were done so by one of the following criteria:
- Unactivated account since before 1st October 2007, midnight.
- Inactive account since before 1st August 2007 with less than 5 posts and not otherwise marked for non-deletion (e.g. Admin veto, banned account, etc).
The first is to dispose of accounts that we can't verify. Moral of the story is "activate if you don't want to be purged".
The second is to dispose of dead-weight that may either present a potential security risk (to us or them) or are just taking up space and confusing my semi-regular forum usage analysis.
Please note that any of these people are welcome to re-register in future. If you believe you're going away on extended leave (more than 3 months) then, to be safe, drop us a note to say you're away. However, we're never likely to purge accounts that have posted anything substantial here as it'd really screw up reading older posts, if nothing else.
I think I've successfully cleaned up after myself but if you spot anything awry then please post in reply.
Otherwise, nothing to see here. Move along.