Blood Bowl- Entering the league.


Well-Known Member
The League has been created!

Its details are as follows:-

League Name- TheHavenNet BB League
Password- THN

do bear in mind the capitals in the password :)

To join a private league a team must first leave the public league (which they are entered into automatically on creation). Instructions on how follow below.

Instructions for Joining.

1. Select your newly created team in the my teams menu when online.

2. Click on the public league tab (should be just right at the top of screen) and then click LEAVE PUBLIC LEAGUE. Once you have clicked confirm the team name and stats in your menu should go red.

3. Go to league search and find the server in the list. Click APPLY FOR LEAGUE and then enter the password.

An application should go directly to my profile and i can authorise your entry. I will be vetting teams upon entry so please remember the entry rules for your team. We urge all teams to join quickly for a start time that should either be tomorrow or a day in the weekend.

Any issues with joining throw either myself or Panda with Issues a quick PM

See you on the pitch


Well-Known Member
League sign-up stands at 13/18

We're still waiting on the following players

Docbot (hope ur comps fixed)
Victory Sandwich

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. The deadline for creating your new team and entering the league (as described above) is 12.00 midnight on the 3rd of July 2010. This will allow the zealous players to begin to play games, and the more cautious to begin to organise their games for later in the week.


Well-Known Member
Sign up now stands at 15/18 those left outstanding are.


Those few need to have there team in the league ASAP pls.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hello, :)

To my prospective first game oponent:

I'll be around tomorrow (Sunday) from about 5pm GMT onward. Here's hoping you can be online at the same time. :)

(If not, it's going to be a major hassle for me to shcedule a game during the week....)


Ronin Storm

Staff member
People we're still missing (or who Ghostwolf hasn't yet had chance to accept into the league) are:

  • Nanor
  • waterproofbob
  • Hobgoblin
  • Pwnstar

If you've not already, please would you make sure [post=93246]that you've signed up to the league in Blood Bowl[/post], asap!


Active Member
I'll play in the next league you guys do (presuming you do another one!) seeing as I'm still in the US and all. :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Ok, so, I take it the league hasn't exactly started, yet. I was hoping to play my first game, tonight...

That being the case, if possible, please don't start it before midnight, tonight, so that next Sunday is still within week 1. :)


Ronin Storm

Staff member
That being the case, if possible, please don't start it before midnight, tonight, so that next Sunday is still within week 1.

I'm sure we can accommodate that.

Ghostwolf will be back around this evening and we'll get the final applications processed then.


Well-Known Member
Soz for the delay in an update and for the late start to the league. Had pretty much a day away from my computer. So was unable to take stock of the registration.

Most unfortuately Hobgoblin had to pull out at the last minute for tech reasons but i have been in communication with Thatbloke and he has most graciously agreed to super sub for us. I'll talk him through getting registered and such tonight. So crisis averted, send tys in blokes direction.

We are therefore only waiting on Pwnstar who has neither confirmed nor denied that he will be around. Huung has said that he'll get on a do the registration for him though i am still waiting for his team application which i must insist be in before 9pm this evening or i'll simply sub him out for someone else. Know this sounds harsh but as has been posted we have ppl waiting for this league to start.

So Pwnstar/Huung pls get that registration in ASAP. The rest of you thanks for your patience and watch this space.


Well-Known Member
Its Is Done

:) all players accounted for thanks so much for the excellent response to this and i hope everything goes well. Be sure to check your opponent as the league is now up. Check the So It Begins thread for the week 1 matches