In Cryo Sleep
This is probably a terrible idea, but what I would like to do is try to run a fantasy football league along side the blood bowl league. This will require some additional paperwork on the part of the coaches, but it is here to drum up interest in the league for people not directly involved. It will also allow coaches to see the other team's rosters, so YMMV. Yes this is open to coaches. It means you're able to participate, even if you get knocked out of the main competition.
The way this works:
Each fantasy football player makes a squad of 11, picking and choosing players by their names from each team. Different teams have different maximum numbers for each position, so the best rule I can enforce is "don't take the piss". A team consisting of nothing but gutter runners, war dancers and other "fast, tough" players will be very very good, and very very unfair. We may have to say that at least 60% of your team should be basic linemen, or their equivalent, and do your best not to have more than 2 of any one "special role" within your team (catcher, thrower, chainsaw-er, etc). Once a player has been chosen, he may not be chosen for another fantasy football team, though given that there will be between 14-18 teams, that rule may have to be waived if lots of people want to get involved. As players get chosen, I will colour their names like this.
Please PM me your team roster (number, name, position, stats, skills, notes, and notes about what you think of the player - see post below) and I'll table them up in the post below.
Each time that player scores a touchdown, the Fantasy Football Coach scores a point. The Fantasy Football Coach may also designate a "captain" - each time that player scores a touchdown, he wins 2 points. Players that are subbed off, or killed obviously can't score points. If you have one of those in your team it sucks to be you; if you don't like it then just think how much the "real" coach is suffering.
By the end of the league, the player with the most points wins respect and adoration and can slink back to his room with his head hung high. Statistics such as who scored in each game are essential, so coaches, if you could make a note of this information that would be very helpful. Statistics such as deaths or injuries causing a player to miss a game are helpful and will give players a good idea of what is going on. Statistics such as stat increases/skill ups are unessential and need only be recorded for interest's sake, but would be nice to have.
Terms Explained
To help you pick teams, you will need to know players stats and if you don't know the rules then you'll need to know what those stats do. In brief:
* MA (Move Allowance) indicates how fast the player is.
* ST (Strength) indicates the player's basic fighting ability.
* AG (Agility) indicates how well the player handles the ball and evades opposing players.
* AV (Armor Value) indicates how difficult it is to injure the player.
Players also have skills. These can be self explanatory, though often they have minor niggles associated with them. More skills is usually better, but for full explanations try here.
The way this works:
Each fantasy football player makes a squad of 11, picking and choosing players by their names from each team. Different teams have different maximum numbers for each position, so the best rule I can enforce is "don't take the piss". A team consisting of nothing but gutter runners, war dancers and other "fast, tough" players will be very very good, and very very unfair. We may have to say that at least 60% of your team should be basic linemen, or their equivalent, and do your best not to have more than 2 of any one "special role" within your team (catcher, thrower, chainsaw-er, etc). Once a player has been chosen, he may not be chosen for another fantasy football team, though given that there will be between 14-18 teams, that rule may have to be waived if lots of people want to get involved. As players get chosen, I will colour their names like this.
Please PM me your team roster (number, name, position, stats, skills, notes, and notes about what you think of the player - see post below) and I'll table them up in the post below.
Each time that player scores a touchdown, the Fantasy Football Coach scores a point. The Fantasy Football Coach may also designate a "captain" - each time that player scores a touchdown, he wins 2 points. Players that are subbed off, or killed obviously can't score points. If you have one of those in your team it sucks to be you; if you don't like it then just think how much the "real" coach is suffering.
By the end of the league, the player with the most points wins respect and adoration and can slink back to his room with his head hung high. Statistics such as who scored in each game are essential, so coaches, if you could make a note of this information that would be very helpful. Statistics such as deaths or injuries causing a player to miss a game are helpful and will give players a good idea of what is going on. Statistics such as stat increases/skill ups are unessential and need only be recorded for interest's sake, but would be nice to have.
Terms Explained
To help you pick teams, you will need to know players stats and if you don't know the rules then you'll need to know what those stats do. In brief:
* MA (Move Allowance) indicates how fast the player is.
* ST (Strength) indicates the player's basic fighting ability.
* AG (Agility) indicates how well the player handles the ball and evades opposing players.
* AV (Armor Value) indicates how difficult it is to injure the player.
Players also have skills. These can be self explanatory, though often they have minor niggles associated with them. More skills is usually better, but for full explanations try here.