Blood Bowl Final thread


Junior Administrator
Very very nicely done from the wood elves who brought the pain in ways the dwarves were not expecting at all.

I'll write a proper wall of text write up later but for now I'm knackered after a monster game that went to 20 rounds and ended with the dwarves trundling into the end zone for the last time in this league to make the final score 2-1 to the mighty still unbeaten bobrek's bastards.

Massive hats off (like this one) to Cheez who clinched defeat from the jaws of victory in turn 14 by not taking a both down result assuming I had block. He was however facing the only player on my team who doesn't have block. It was his only major mistake that I remember and it was an awesome match.

Thank you to all the organisers, you guys rock. Special mention to Ski for teaching me how to cage properly in turn 15 :D.

Extra special mention for Carps for appearing and hitting the button for us to start our match while we scratched our heads as to why the button was greyed out.

Has been a fun tourney and I look forward to some more dwarf action soon. Managed to get my team to a value of 1700 by the end which I was pretty happy about.


Well-Known Member
Grats, Bob! I'm a little gutted the elves didn't get the win, but it does show the formidable power of dwarves in a super-short (no pun intended) league!

1700 rating brings them into the realms of my WElf team from the tournament - if you're up for yet another WElf game let me know. I'd like to see whether they can outmatch the Lizardmen from our previous skirmish :p

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Well, it was a fittingly close and epic final for our inaugral THN Blood Bowl League. 2 undefeated teams from opposite ends of the mobility spectrum did battle for the crown, even taking until extra time for Bobrek's B4st4rds to edge ahead of the Lorien Longrunners.

Hopefully everyone had fun.

Thanks for all the support you guys have shown, as this wouldn't have been the same without the exceptional levels of participation from across a whole spectrum of THNers,

I know it sounds a little trite, but I feel that this has actually made THN a slightly stronger community, managing to integrate groups (such as the WoWers) who don't always occupy the same airspace as those of us who don't indulge in Warcraft.

Special thanks are due to Ghostwolf, who took up the mighty task of actually being the league controller, and to Ronin, for helping sort stuff and thrash ideas around.

Great thanks to Huung, who stepped up to the plate, and kept the league rolling after a dropout left us a player down.

I'm sure Ghostwolf will pop in later to provide some stats, but on the whole, the majority of games were played, and played in good time. Thanks to you all for your effort in achieving this.

Hopefully none of you regret shelling out the amount of cash it cost to procure the game, and enjoy this league.

We will not be leaving Blood Bowl to lie fallow, we'll take a moderate length break, but a second league will certainly be on the cards before the end of the year.

A second league, where long borne grudges may be avenged, and new ones inscribed on the stone tablets that are the Weekly BB threads. New faces may appear to take up the mantle of coaches....then get smashed in...

Keep an eye on the Blood Bowl Social Group for news and information in this regard, though we will certainly post a sign up thread in the main games forum.

Bobrek reigns supreme today, with his bastards, but the young turks looking to take his crown get younger and more aggressive every year...Will he retain his crown, or will he finally taste the coppery, bloody tang of defeat?

Find out, later this year.

Keep practising, and keep sharp people!


In Cryo Sleep
Replay for those who missed the "live" stream.

Wall of text and interviews with team members to come shorty. If we could get some sort of match analysis from anyone who wants to declare themselves an expert, that would be really handy too.


  • Replay_2010-09-16_17-48-50.db
    156 KB · Views: 2


In Cryo Sleep
Interviewer: I'm here with Mightybud, the MVP for the match and highly intimidating treeman. Mightybud, how do you feel the match went
Mightybud: ...
I: I take it from your silence, you feel that it could have gone better. How do you feel about your performance on the pitch today?
M: ...
I: No need to be embarrased. You put a lot of effort in today and managed to hold up the dwarven defenses for some very good plays by your other team-mates. How do you feel about the fact that you were often felled by much smaller and weaker opponants?
M: ...
I: Do you feel you deserved the MVP title that was given to you?
M: ...
I: Is there anything you would have done differently?
M: ...
I: ...
M: ...
I: Can you speak at all?
M: Felnyë tyalië mára nánë, ananta túrë hehtana ló úviëli alasailali.
I: ... Um. Thank you, Mightybud. Star-player in this final game.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replay cheese, had to leave to get food at turn 11. Well played all and special congratz to bob.