Blood Bowl Hate Thread


Well-Known Member
OK seriously. Enough is enough. I love this game i really do. From the bottom of my heart i think its both a tactical and entertainment goldmine.

That doesnt however excuse the fact its treating me badly. Really badly. So much so i thought about starting up a BB thread to canonise all the really really really horrendous bullshit this game throws at us.

So take this for the 'heat of the moment' hate speech that it is as it comes gushing out of every pore in my body.

I'll sum it up by saying i'm having a run of bad luck. But it stopped at being a run of bad luck 2 games ago. Now it is an excercise in pain and frustration. I'm failing dice rolls... lots and lots and lots of dice rolls.

To illustrate here is a little snippet of how my bloodbowl week is going.

eg: A troll one on one with an elf gets double attacker down 3 times in a row. The 4th time he hits someone he got Both down, attacker down. (That is seven 1's on a dice and a 2) When he's down he is then killed by fouling. (seriously ask traxata i'm not making this shit up) My chainsaw gobbo rolls a 1, fails to get his pro re-roll (4+), then rolls a 1 again when i am forced to use a proper re-roll. He injures himself with smashed hand and knocks himself out of next game (this is all in one game half). By the end of this game i have 4 players on the pitch.

eg2: A witch elf fails three go for it rolls during frenzy (2+). A Dark elf blitzer fails the ball pickup (2+). I get three double red skulls when blocking opponents (2+). Most of these were the first moves I made. 7 out of 16 turns ended on 2+ dice rolls.

The maths involved in failing that many dice rolls so consecuetivly would make a mathematician bleed. And make me very pissed off. The past 4 games have all followed the trend of 'hmm if i can just make this roll... oh no of course I cant'

To conclude i just want to say burn in hell probability.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
To rub it in, it appears I got all my bad luck out of my system in my league game against huung, oh except the ridiculous luck imbalance that lead to me conceding a TD against gombol...