Blood Bowl League 3?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Panda, me and Ghostwolf have been keeping very different hours recently. I'll round them up on TS some point this week (may be Friday) for discussion.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
It WILL happen guys.

As Ronin has said, we've all just been really busy recently.

Fear not! I've taken into account people's opinions on what they want from the next league, and what they've liked, disliked so far and have a plan. I'll discuss it with Ronincarps (in future referred to as The CommitteeTM') forthwith.


Well-Known Member
Set up ongoing THN league now, plan cup/tourney later when people have time? :p

Ronin Storm

Staff member
So let me hijack this thread for OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS (said like elD, just 'cause that amused me).

We're looking at starting a Championship style league with multiple (2+) divisions depending on the numbers of players. The aim there is to have multiple short seasons (5ish games per season) with relegation and possibility to switch out some teams at the end of each season.

In a surprise move, we'd also be happy enough to take on teams from the previous league, but we'll twiddle the seeding such that high TV teams end up in division 1 and low TV or new teams go to division bottom, hopefully keeping them apart.

It seems likely that this will be starting later in June or early in July, partly to give people chance to get themselves figured, and partly because Those Who Are Not Haddocks have their own fish to fry before then. (Arf arf.)

We want to keep to the match-per-week format, however, rather than the freeform pattern of an open league largely based on experiences with the somewhat larger BB community of Blood Bowl Tactics who find that open leagues just don't get any momentum.

So, who's up for league 3 and onwards?

Current signees:

  1. Ghostwolf
  2. Panda with Issues / Ronin Storm (depending on start dates)
  3. Huung
  4. thatbloke
  5. Kasatka
  6. Iron Fist
  7. Xarlaxas
  8. Tempscire
  9. Velaphor
  10. Comrade Phil
  11. Lucius
  12. Traxata
  13. Paddy O'Brien
  14. Dr Drae

Depending on circumstances:

  • waterproofbob


Well-Known Member
Me me me! Although I would like an open league ALSO. I don't see why running a casual league with low momentum is a problem, as long as we still have these tourneys running alongside every now and then :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
So, that's 10 so far. Good going.

Some names that come to mind:

Bob, Trax, Paddy O'Brien, DocBot, D, Lucius, Dragon, Zooggy, magosreborn, cheezewizz, DrDrae

... any interest from you guys?

[edit]I've jostled Lucius over PM.[/edit]

[edit]Dug up some more names from league #1.[/edit]