Bloodgorge MS


In Cryo Sleep
Hello, peoples! I'm wondering if the great ones in command would help me with this slight dilemma, namely Bloodgorge's specs.

Since they are tied to whatever it is the guild needs, I'd assume officers would be best to answer the question, which is: do you need me to switch to tank mainspec (in which case I'd simply have two tank specs, one more single target orientes, the other more AoE oriented), or should I leave the tanky business as offspec?



New Member
Do eet!

We definitely need more mainspec tanks. Two tank specs, or DPS as offspec? Your choice. But I will allow you to DPS 25 mans in one of your tank specs as long as you bring a decent dups kit.


In Cryo Sleep
Dups kit is okay as it is, so I shouldn't be doing horrible damage anyway (you can actually see it equipped now if you check my char), and I'd just like to grab the FoS Heroic trinket for proper damage boosting.

As for dual tank specs, the whole idea would be to complement whomever was tanking alongside with me, as in an "optimal setup" of sorts, if you like.


New Member
Heya THN, been a while since I posted here :)

a small hint to u Zagg, i'd farm for the Toc5 normal trinket instead of NiS from FoS, you will benefit more from the passive armor pen, than you do from the proccs from needle, as they are on crits, and not hits.

I'd also recommend you trying out frost dps (this is a huge boost for melee if you do not have any enhance shammys present with windfury) and dw frost actually does shitloads of dps.

// Meilleur


In Cryo Sleep
Oh, I was frost dps before unholy, and I absolutely love it. The unholy spec you see there is mainly due to buffing caster damage in ICC 25. :) As for the ToC trinket tip. I've also been after the thing with no luck so far (i.e. I've been tanking and trying to get it to drop there). Your mention of the needle encrusted scorpion's proc being based on a crit as opposed to a hit is something I had overlooked, and I must thank you for the tip! :)


New Member
no problems :)

if you are intrested in a viable frost specc, you can check out our frost dk Geroz on Ragnaros, he is currently trying out arp gemming, not sure if it is better than the strength gems.


In Cryo Sleep
With ICC gear, I noticed ArP gaining a very slight advantage in blood specs, but I'm unaware of the true (i.e. not simcrafted) benefits in a frost rotation, even though Obliterate is still raw physical damage.


Well-Known Member
Frost relies far more on magical damage than blood. Blood is still the only really viable DK spec for pure ArP.