Blur and THN Meet


In Cryo Sleep
Hi hi hi again people.

First, are all familiar with the (somewhat famous) 'Best of Blur' CD cover? I hope so, because here's a lil' tutorial on how to Blur-ize your face!

Blurry Tutorial

All it needs is a semi-capable paint program (I used Photoshop CS2, it's handy for the layer merging etc. etc.) and a small sprinkling of artistic talent and you'll have your own face!

Naturally, I have Blurried myself for you all to viddy at:


Let's see some more up here!

Also, any more information on the THN meet? I need to know the dates soon (if you've come to an agreement yet), cos I need to give notice before taking holidays off from the [strike]dungeon[/strike] lab.


Junior Administrator
It took me ages to get around to this, but when I was at the Foo Fighters gig in Edinburgh yesterday (which was awesome btw, as were Nine Inch Nails) they played some Blur videos while setting up the stage, reminding me to do this. And so... are my efforts. I'm not saying they're amazing, but I'm quite proud of being able to do them since I have close to zero artistic talent.
Sorry I can't link them into the thread direct but they are large (1200x1600) and also will be moved to the THN gallery when I get the opportunity.


In Cryo Sleep
Heh heh, awesome Dez! (without trying to sound homo) your hair looks cool, and the ear detail is very nice. The posterized version of your driveway is neat, too :D