Board Maintenance [31 August 2008, 10:30]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Tomorrow morning (Sunday 31st August) the board will be down for routine maintenance. Downtime is expected to be around an hour starting around 10:00/10:30 depending on how things go on the test board.

I may also slip in a couple of other changes while I'm at it. Y'never know... ;)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Some other stuff came up first thing so I'm pushing the start time for this back to 11:30/12:00.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Various changes have been made as part of this update, as follows:

  • Board has been upgraded as part of routine security/bug fixes and feature improvements. As part of this upgrade, the highly insecure "username = password" combination is now restricted and the entire one user of you all who was using that combination has had their password reset and an email sent.
  • A new modification has been added for the WoW players: WoW Roster. This is also visible under the WoW forum and in the top navigation under Quick Links.
  • The THN Ronin Test style has been renamed THN Blue and is now "officially released", for what it's worth. That basically means I'm happy with its functionality and can use that as a starting point to develop other styles.
  • The default board style is now THN Blue. However, for unregistered and unactivated users this is forced to being THN Base instead as THN Blue doesn't work for them (the shoutbox disappears leaving a big hole, for example).
  • Other miscellaneous upgrades to mods, none of which should be noticeable.

Total downtime, around 50/55 minutes.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Cannot thank you enough for what you are doing for the community.
You are a god!


Junior Administrator
Would you like some ham.

Good work Ronin, you are awesome.

Not going to make you chocolate pancakes though.