Testing by the Mod and Admin teams of three new styles has, thus far, been without incident. The styles are:
Feel free to try out any of these new styles as of now. In fact, let me encourage you to switching to these new styles as soon as possible!
For the next six or seven days please consider these styles as being in "open beta". I think they're pretty resilient but nothing beats community exposure to really break something.
If you find anything wrong, please post a reply here!
Looking forward, if this open beta goes well, I will be decomissioning the original Blue style. It will become unselectable and I will check all profiles to switch all users of Blue to Blue2 (Scaling).
Please be aware that using the quick-selector at the top (or bottom) of the screen for styles does not save that selection to your profile! This means that if you log on at a different system you will actually use whatever style is in your profile, not what was set locally, by cookie.
Also the default style will change to Amber2 (Fixed) from Amber. I'm ambivalent on the subject of forcibly migrating users of Amber to Amber2, despite the benefits of Amber2. For the moment I do not intend any forced migration, notably because Amber will remain as an option for those who wish it.
Let me reiterate that it is highly likely that new functionality and cool widgets will not be retrofitted into the Amber style unless the Admin Team get a whole bunch more time (you could pay me to do this stuff, you know... I'm serious! ).
As always, if you've got any questions, comments or problems then reply below!
Hope you like the new styles!
- Blue2 (Fixed)
- Blue2 (Scaling)
- Amber2 (Fixed)
Feel free to try out any of these new styles as of now. In fact, let me encourage you to switching to these new styles as soon as possible!
For the next six or seven days please consider these styles as being in "open beta". I think they're pretty resilient but nothing beats community exposure to really break something.
If you find anything wrong, please post a reply here!
Looking forward, if this open beta goes well, I will be decomissioning the original Blue style. It will become unselectable and I will check all profiles to switch all users of Blue to Blue2 (Scaling).
Please be aware that using the quick-selector at the top (or bottom) of the screen for styles does not save that selection to your profile! This means that if you log on at a different system you will actually use whatever style is in your profile, not what was set locally, by cookie.
Also the default style will change to Amber2 (Fixed) from Amber. I'm ambivalent on the subject of forcibly migrating users of Amber to Amber2, despite the benefits of Amber2. For the moment I do not intend any forced migration, notably because Amber will remain as an option for those who wish it.
Let me reiterate that it is highly likely that new functionality and cool widgets will not be retrofitted into the Amber style unless the Admin Team get a whole bunch more time (you could pay me to do this stuff, you know... I'm serious! ).
As always, if you've got any questions, comments or problems then reply below!
Hope you like the new styles!