bob wants to make a website


Junior Administrator
As many of you know I've just been on a family holiday avec a large amount of my family to Rome. I have said to them that I'd put together a website for us all to stick pictures and to have other family type stuff. I know it's crazy that I've never made a website before but that's the way it is. I'm up for a challenge and would like to learn so I thought I'd get some help from you ppl.

I need a reasonable amount of space for holiday pics as well as a interface for uploading them and other such wonderful websitey things.

I have no clue how hard this is to achieve so any guides/help/warnings would be most appreciated.



Junior Administrator
I would recommend - there's no ads, and it's pretty cheap. The basic service is free, but you can pay a small amount to activate things like PHP and mysql. I use it to host my blog and I've been pretty happy with it. As for photos, you would be best getting a CMS / portal that allows interface to Gallery2 - this is the software that powers THN Gallery.

I personally now use e107, although I'm not sure how akin it would be to your needs. Also THN Comedy used to be hosted on MKportal, which was a portal extension that interfaced with phpBB2.

Try open source CMS to demo some of the portal solutions for yourself, to see which you like best. :)

(As a side note 110mb has some scripts / cms portals that can be installed mostly for you - but there is a limit to 5 times for this. Best to try open source cms first to see what you like, and if it's on the list, use the script to install it.)


Junior Administrator
Bob, your welcome to use the Macrolevel server if you want. Theres still plenty of space on it, and I can offer you a variety of galleries. Either the one on or are preferable as they are easy to deal with!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I think that unless you want to play with the technology of web hosting and designing/building web sites or installing web applications, I'd go with Google. Want picture hosting? Picasa. Want a sort of latest news page? Blogger. Shared calenders? Yep. Mailing lists? Check.

Almost anything else is because you want control to do it your own way. If you don't and you just want some space for hosting, Google.


In Cryo Sleep
Bob, your welcome to use the Macrolevel server if you want.

If you trust vibs not to break it ;-)

If you were going for the easy option, id just point them all at facebook! Blogs, groups, messaging, photos etc.

but thats no fun.

There are loads of open source gallery things out there, but don't go near coppermine. tis nasty.

id definately suggest to look around at the different parts available out there, and don't try using one until you've actually demoed it out.


In Cryo Sleep
Hm. ive found it to be a bit annoying and clunky.

I had it linked to a phpbb install, and now the whole things broken cos we moved the database over, and it doesn't use the right settings, and something to do with it not using the right cookie name also, even though ive poked the database so its all right. It is about a year and a half old install, so they could have fixed it.

I'd also say that the style of the main album interface is very fussy also compared to how simple it could be. Also, the way it links to photos is wierd as well, as itll give a link of "album=4&pos=4", so the item at position 4 in the album, but there are loads of other different links to the same page dependent on where you come from. Of course if you goto the page and copy the link, then someone uploads another photo, then the photo at "pos=4" is not the original one. That screwed up our file management cos all our links to specific files effed up.

Thats just my experience with it.