Borat: Cultural learnings America glorious benefit kazakhstan etc. etc.


In Cryo Sleep
So, if you have been DEAF and BLIND for the past few months you may not have noticed this new movie, from the man who brought Throw the Jew Down the Well. (which was greeted with scorn by many members of our sect :))

Named Borat, it depicts the journey of a journalist from Kazakhskkhstskkstan learning (or ripping apart) the American way of life.

Here is a high-layrious trailer from the new movie. A must watch for easily pleased fans of the raving nutter.

Borat Trailer


Junior Administrator
"Please come see my film. If it not success, I will be execute." :D

And the full title: "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit of Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan"


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah, I couldn't be bothered to write it all out :D I think it's a great title though, kind of summing up the whole essence of the film in a single non-sentence.