Boycott 2142!


Well-Known Member
Viva la revolucion!

Thought it was a good site. It's not a site about "OMG! 2142 r shit!", it's a site about EA creating games filled with bugs, and incorporation IGA(In game ads) into their games. Sign the petition!


Junior Administrator
Haha yeah ok, its a great game i'm yet to actually see an ad for anything other than stuff in the game like poster of the APC. there really are very few bugs that have affected me anyway. i could boycott playing this game however it would massively reduce my enjoyment of gaming. I can understand ppl not playing from a its very like bf2 just different sort of way and i've played far too much bf2 already etc. i'd disagree but thats fine the thing that bugs me is ppl not wanting to play a great fun game because of IGA something i've not even noticed. Even if i'm the least observant bloke in the world after 90 hours gameplay u'd hope i would have noticed them and trust me i hate adverts.

I say boycott the boycott:D :D :D :D :D :D


I'm in agreement with waterproofbob, I think the game is pretty good, albeit just a decent sci-fi mode for BF2. As I have said on other posts, the maps are a refreshing change from the BF2 ones I have spent scores of hours on.

The titan mode has bugs as we all know which has overted me from playing titan maps, hopefully future patches will address this.

As for Ad's, I really don't know what the fuss is about, if you don't want to read the Ad's then DON'T. Personally I think it's quite a creative idea to use ingame billboards to advertise, and if it brings in money to the developers, that could possibly mean better and more games in development.


I played 2142 today. Twice, while on the same server, same round, I crashed to desktop twice :(

Still, I like the game. I won't like it for long if EA don't patch the bugs, but meh!


In Cryo Sleep
In agreement with all the rest on this . I would like to see any of you who can make a better game. Then i will admit that EA suck but . They are brilliant


Staff member
The site started playing "music" (?) when I opened it. Unacceptable.

Boycott sites that start playing music without your express permission!


Well-Known Member
I would like to see any of you who can make a better game. Then i will admit that EA suck but . They are brilliant

I'm not here to make the games. That's not my job. I'm not making millions on a half assed (Well, 3/4) piece of software. I'm in my rights to complain.


Junior Administrator
I'm not here to make the games. That's not my job. I'm not making millions on a half assed (Well, 3/4) piece of software. I'm in my rights to complain.

I'd completely agree that ur here to play the games, however i think 3/4 made game is a little harsh. since about beginning of December i have had one server crash on me and that is the only real problem i've had. i maybe the exception but that seems unlikely. I had considerably more trouble over the holiday with css servers.

It is entirely up to you whether or not you play a game but i don't understand how so many ppl have so many issues with the game as it is on occasions very similar to bf2. Except for titan mode which just rocks, it is tactically so much fun when played well. Ahh well up to you what you play.


Well-Known Member
I understand Bob that you enjoy the game. But for a site like this to pop up, there's obviously something wrong with the game. I haven't seen anything like this for Half-Life 2 or such.


Staff member
I seem to remember a sound stutter bug in half life 2 that caused some really massive outrage, so that's likely a bad example :P


In Cryo Sleep
Also, if we are taking digs at developers and not any individual games in particular, Steam (from the developers of HL2) was a load of total bollocks when it first came back into circulation. Bugs, constant patches, about a million tons of hard work and complication trying to get your old games to work on Steam, ads all over the shop whenever you turn it on, the inability to play ANY newer games without a net connection ...


Junior Administrator
I think the outrage was caused by the advertising system tracking your preferences and storing personal information (?), if memory serves from reading a PC Gamer article on reaction to BF 2142's general release.


Active Member
I think the outrage was caused by the advertising system tracking your preferences and storing personal information (?), if memory serves from reading a PC Gamer article on reaction to BF 2142's general release.

I seem to remember that that was the reason people were worried. However, I've been told that they advertising was either never meant to be like that, or had been changed due to the outcry. Now it supposedly works in the same way as TV ads - i.e. companies pay money and get their ads shown.

Having said that, all the billboards I've seen have been blank or "ads" for joining the EU or PAC sides.