

Well-Known Member
I'm gonna take a leaf out of Docbot's book and brag about my medical experiences!

Today in Biology we got to dissect a sheep's heart! We got to stick our fingers down the vena cava, the pulmonary vein & artery and the aorta! It felt so cool! Then we got to cut it up and examine the left atrium and the right ventricle. I'd cut mine pretty well (only severed one valve and all heart strings were intact!) and I could see all the muscles and veins. Only downside was it smelled like dead fish!

It was brilliant, I feel like doing medicine now for a career!


I did a lamb's heart, pig's eye and pig's kidney in Science at school! The kidney smelt a lot of piss :( Which I wasn't expecting, but probably should have done!

Also, we did a lamb's lungs as the class. Teacher got one of my mates to try and "blow up" (with air, not explosives) the lungs by attaching a rubber tube to it. It was really difficult, but when he finally managed to do it, he took his mouth off the tube, and the lungs deflated, blowing out lots of gibs into his face :D


In Cryo Sleep
i've done pigs eye and lamb heart :) the teacher says we'll be doing lungs but he lies alot
we threw the eyes around class and attacked each other with the ink stuff :)
and someone destroyed their lamb heart, didnt try to do the work just enjoyed slashing at it. (eye was in year 8 and heart was year 10)


Junior Administrator
Humpf, as the out bio department were a much of pussies we didn't chop anything up in class. saying that I'm a country bumpkin who spent 5 yrs doing ccf camps where we had to kill chickens chop em up etc. and going on shoots I don't feel i missed much.


Active Member
Bah, I hate you all. ;) I was due to do a couple of those experiments when I was in school, but then the Mad Cow (I think - some health scare anyway) epidemic happened and they all got cancelled. :mad: Like Mad Cow disease would have made me any worse than I already am :rolleyes:


Junior Administrator
A friend o mine also ATE a piece of raw pigs heart for £2...

Was perfectly fine!

But teacher found out a couple of weeks later and he got into trouble :eek:


LOL I groped a pigs liver :D but that was strangely in chemistry rather than biology!

Don't do A-Level Chemisty :( They say it's chemistry, but it's really learning about proteins and amino-acids and the likes, which is surprisingly biological!


New Member
Someone threw a piece of pig heart up in the air and it got stuck on the ceiling, which about 15 feet high! It wasn't that which was funny, it was his excuse to the teacher 'Well, someone said boo and it made me jump, so the piece came out of my tweezers and I accidentally knocked it up in the air and so it got stuck on the ceiling...Sir.' :D


Junior Administrator
Someone threw a piece of pig heart up in the air and it got stuck on the ceiling, which about 15 feet high! It wasn't that which was funny, it was his excuse to the teacher 'Well, someone said boo and it made me jump, so the piece came out of my tweezers and I accidentally knocked it up in the air and so it got stuck on the ceiling...Sir.' :D
