In Cryo Sleep
So I was pouring my shreddies, and reading the back of the packet, as one does. It invited me to collect tokens, and take them to my local school, where tearful urchins would snatch them from my hands, crying 'Hooray, now we can have books! Thank you, breakfast lady!'. I know Shreddies are not the first or only people to run some kind of philanthropic voucher scheme, but I always feel very uneasy about the mix of vulgar capitalism and the education system, especially when it's companies like Coke or Walker's encouraging children to scoff unhealthy food in order to get some kind of reward for their school. Am I being too sensitive? Should we be glad that kids get books no matter where they come from? Or does this smack of social engineering by big corporations? If they want to contribute to our social wellbeing, shouldn't they just pay more taxes? And if they have spare money sloshing around, shouldn't they just cut their prices?