Breaking news - BF2142


In Cryo Sleep
Hmmm I think that new game mode with the Titan crusier things will be alot of fun :D Finally a game mode apart from conquest! BF2142 is getting better all the time.


In Cryo Sleep
i want, i want, i want, damn, am deffinitely gonna have to upgrade my PC now, oh well, better start saving for that crazy alienware super pc


In Cryo Sleep
decky101 said:
any1 any idea of when the spec release is i want 2 no if i'm gonna need 2 upgrade :p

Translation: Anyone have any idea of when the specifications will be released? Because I would like to know if I need to upgrade my PC to play it :p

The specifications will be very similar to the BF2 so you wont need to upgrade to play it :)


According the producer of the game he said the spec of the game will be such that it will be available to most people. "The minimum spec will be similar to that of BF2 only 16 months on." or words to that effect.

Ultimately though, you can't lose out by having a higher spec machine. Obivoulsy you can have prettier graphics and improved framerate with a better machine regardless of the required spec.

Also according to the same interview the maximum number of players in conquest mode will be 64 and 32 in titan mode. He didn't say it would support 128 players.

The 32 player limit in titan mode is because it wouldn't suit the game play to have 64 players becuase of how the mode plays.


In Cryo Sleep
Well my first upgrade has just been done (a nice shiny GeForce 7900GT :) ).

Anyone interested in a second-hand PCI-Express X800XL (Gigabyte silent model - no fan, just a ruddy great heatsink)?