[BUG][FEATURE REQUEST][EVENT FORUM] Cannot post after start or stop of event


Junior Administrator
"Invalid Event specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"

As far as i can tell this is because the event has already started or finished and so the forum has somehow become disassociated with it. This would be usefull for matches and things to be able to comment after the end of the match.

Not sure if this is a bug or feature!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Hmm, sounds like a possible bug but, for the moment, I suggest holding wrap-up conversations in a separate thread.


Junior Administrator
Havent a clue what he's on about. I've just posted in the TCF match event thread perfectly fine.


Junior Administrator

I used the quick reply thingy, on post id #12 from bloke, and it gave me that response.

Tried on hotstuff's #13 as well to the same effect.

It would appear to be a quick reply bug as I can post using reply to last