Just decided to download this off steam, think my delivery from amazon got lost in the post.
The single player game is pretty intense, the prologue on the ship had me jumping out my seat! The developers have really went out their way to make this seem 'real' and give a good combat experience.
The graphics are simply beautiful but I do have a pretty beasty machine at the moment so most things were up full giving a smooth 70fps.
The multiplayer game is like BF2 only speeded up 2 or 3 times. Everyone scuttles around the map like it's been their playground for the past 10 years. It took me about half an hour to realise that enemies either have no name above their head or is written in red.
The promotion system looks straight forward, uncomplicated and useful things to play towards.
The multiplayer maps are not simple, some are like mazes actually, so I think this game will take hours of practice just to get some sort of map awareness then I may get a chance to have...like a second or two to start to thinking about what I'm supposed to do...like defend or defuse or whatever is going on amist the bangs and clutters of insane warfare.
The satisfaction of killing an enemy is pretty good, the realistic rag doll way in which they hit the ground is pretty grusome but adds to the realism.
I hope that I can learn a bit more about this game from helpful THN players perhaps on our own server?