[EVE] Caldari and Minmatar cockpits


Well-Known Member
Kersh found this via a link on the EVE forums and I thought it was hilarious and decided to share it:


Also, an ensuing conversation after posting this may well lead to Kershan gutting a keyboard to mod a Boppit to be a Caldari controller...


Staff member
Minmatar "ejector seat controls" aka "so it turns out the duct tape won't hold" button.


New Member
lol, there seems to be a distinctive lack of duct tape in the minm cockpit :p, also isn't the "Over heat all button" a fire axe ?


New Member
And I love how many of the hull breach lights are lit

Give the panel a shift kick and they should go out, nothing to worry about. honest :p.

Saving up for my Mael atm, that is slightly better built than the other minm ships as it looks like a ship and not a flying construction site


Well-Known Member
I wish sometimes that you could control EVE a little bit more like Freelancer; then I could see if I could do some other crazy control setup for it.

Like on WoW once, I managed to play one of my characters using an arcade stick setup that Kersh brought round (it only works for one or two characters I have, the rest need more than the 8-9 buttons Kersh's thing had).

Imagine just needing a joystick and a few buttons for pitched fleet battles, especially if you're in something nippy like a AF or interceptor...


Super Moderator
Staff member
mmh yeah Jumpgate should be well up to that task, i'm hoping codemasters have a newer build at i37 that i can take a more in-depth look at


Junior Administrator
yea at i36 it was there, certainly seemed like it coul dbe a fun game.

Certainly had the massive amounts of numbers that would please the theorycrafters, and also the run n gun shooty shooty stuff was (kind of) there....


Well-Known Member
I heard someone talking about Jumpgate before... and mentioning that they got the graphical effects to "look so good and feel so right that it induced motion sickness in most people"; that story got a grain of truth to it?


Junior Administrator
dunno i didnt try it for long :)

Will get more of a play with it at i37 assuming codemasters are there


Super Moderator
Staff member
i had a peak at the machines it was running on, they were Q6600 with 2GB ram and the 368MB 8800GS so by no stretch of the imagination fast by todays standards and it was sitting pretty mucn v-sync with no tearing


Well-Known Member
Games looking really good doesn't always need an uber-computer to work it; depends on your definition of good-looking :p

I think EVE looks damned pretty on my rig, and I've got everything down quite low (and the sound off) to avoid lagging to my death in a mission; last thing I need when speed-tanking in an AF is to get lagged out while issuing movement orders, or lagging so much that I fail to notice that I've been webbed (both of which would prove fatal, and the former of which cost me my first Jag)