Cant bind keys


Active Member
I just tried configuring my joy stick and it worked great, but when i was done i press reset to defaults, and did my little changes, but i couldnt bind my usual crouch key for common controls, "duplicate key in helicoptor controls"; i deleted every function from helicopter controls and yet it still wont bind it, so i am stuck. All my other binds work fine.


ctrl, in the helicopter is for a "free view" I think. Are you sure that you have deleted that one? anyway who need control if your in a plane with a joystick :p.


I have found with BF2 that it likes to do thing's itself, so if all else fails re-install the default :D


Active Member
I want left shift, and its pissing me off, looks like a reinstall after i screendump my gfx settings.


Active Member
I've tried renaming the file in my docs "battlefield 2" and making in generate a new one, still the same problem, god knows how i got left shift in the first place. anyone know how i can reset that completely, also which file in the docs area is controls only?


Active Member
I renamed the controls.con, made it make a new BLANK one FYI filled most of it in swaped names round to get controls i forgot or never knew wat they were called, and well now iu fixed it, and made a backup everything is great.


Active Member
DAMNIT, new problem it accepts crouch now, but once i get ingame, the HUD mouse is non funtional, and ESC wont work so i cant get to the menu even though esc works in the keybinding options :SSSSS


When you reinstalled the game, did you delete all files in your My Documents folder? If not, try that. Otherwise I don't know I'm afraid mate :( I'll look around for this for you!

Edit - Could try key binding the con file yourself again, nice guide here.